Ch. 7

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The guy followed behind me as I looked around. He was pointing certain things out and giving me information on certain places. He asked if he could lead me somewhere else. I let him. "Tex was big on putting a garden in to save us some money to put elsewhere." He said. "So, this is the land he enclosed off for it." He stopped at the fence.

I was already seeing one issue. "What are you guys planning on putting in here?" I asked. "We were hoping that you would stick around and help us out." He said. "Needs more square footage for what you need." I said. "This was just the start. He put this whole backside away for the garden." He said. I looked down it.

"The rest of the girls were not happy hearing that, but we need to sustain ourselves and don't have the money for a growing herd." He said. "Fence would have to be animal proof and high enough so no one can climb or jump over it." I said. "That's the first thing we are putting in." He said. "I would test the dirt first before that." I said.

"He said you were the expert at it." He said. I guess the time I spent with Tex, he was learning more about this than I thought he was. He looked at his watch before saying that it was almost dinner time. I followed him back to the house that we came out of. He opened the door letting me go in before him.

"Thought you went exploring." Tex said as we came around the corner to the kitchen. "Yeah. Showed her around and ended up at the garden. Think we can start tomorrow morning on it." The guy said. "See anyone else out?" Tex asked him. "No sir." Tex shook his head. "Does everyone know who they have to watch for?" Tex asked him. "Yes. We made a new schedule this morning before they woke up." The guy said.

"Alright. We'll start in the morning. Whatever she says needs to be done." Tex said. The three of us ate before the guy had to go make rounds. Tex pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head. "What did you think?" He asked. "It's a nice set up." I said. He kissed my forehead again. "Probably should go bathe and get some more sleep Honey." I nodded.

He let me go and started cleaning the kitchen up. I found my stuff and clothes for a shower going to get cleaned up. When I stepped out of the bathroom there were hushed voices in either the living room or kitchen. I was about to go into the room I was given, when Tex spotted me and asked me to come closer to him.

I moved slowly towards him and stopped feet away. "Can you turn around for me?" He asked softly. I did as he asked. A hand touched the bruise. I moved away from the touch. I felt my shorts moved slightly. "When did this happen Honey?" He asked. "The other day when those dogs were around." I answered.

"Does it hurt?" He asked. "Only when touched." I said. "Looks like its healing. We'll just have to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse, start to put some bruise cream on it." Tex said. "Don't say a word. It wasn't your fault, it's dealt with. Would have to remind the other guys that it's there until it doesn't hurt anymore." Tex said.

"You can go to bed now Honey." Tex told me. I went to the bedroom I was put in and shut the door. I curled up under the covers and took a deep inhale. It smelled amazing. Like a bunch of male scents wrapped in one. I sighed exhaling the breath I was holding before curling up deeper under the covers.

There was no feminine scent in this bed. I fell into a deep sleep in seconds.

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