Ch. 17

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When I entered the room, Thomas was awake and cursing. I checked the wound before Tex came in with a first aid kit. "Your an a—." He told Tex. "She's already established that." Tex said. I disinfected the needle and thread before looking at Thomas. "Touch me with that and I will cut your finger off." Thomas said to me.

"Threaten me, your gonna lose your whole arm." I told him with a serious face. He blew out air between his lips before laying still. "Whatever floats your boat." He said letting me see the whole thing. I sat down on the edge of the bed and started. He tensed up completely.

"I can't get the needle through if your tense." I stated. He shot a curse at me. I easily kicked him. "Mother of f—ing Christ." I kicked him again. I didn't see the look on his face as I continued to stitch him up before I went to the other one.

"Don't you dare." Thomas said. "Watch me." I told him. I finished the last one before cleaning both. He cursed worse than a sailor. "Guess ya should have said something before you went to sleep for the day." I said in a sassy tone. He groaned. "F— you." He muttered. "I'm sure you would like to." I smarted off.

He grumbled again before rolling over. I cleaned up the bed and room before exiting. He didn't look back at me. I closed the door behind me and went to throw the stuff away. I then sat down on the chair in front of Tex. "When did you get a smart mouth?" He asked. "I've always had it." I said. He looked up from what he was doing and looked right at me.

"You know what you started." He said. "He started it." I told him. He chuckled. "Come round here baby." He said. I got up and went around his desk. He set me up on it. "You know how sweet you are?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"Sweeter than sugar, healthier than anything." He said. "Don't know bout that last part." I said. "Ask any of the guys here how sweet you are." He said. "I just might." I told him. He stood up to kiss me. "Who's staying with you tonight?" He asked. "Don't know." I answered.

"How bout I have a guy randomly stay with you tonight." He said. "Sounds good." I said. He pulled his phone out. Then hit a few keys before putting it away. "He'll be there about sundown." He said. I nodded. "I'll walk you over to your house if your ready to go." He said.  I nodded letting him pick me up.

He set me down at the door. "See you in the morning baby." He said. Then leaned down to kiss me. "Don't get into trouble." I told him. "You are my trouble." He said before letting me go. I cooked dinner making a little extra for the one staying with me tonight.

I then went to get a shower. I crawled into bed and turned a movie on. I sighed and got into it. At some point I heard the front door open and close. Then a deep baritone. After what seemed like another hour, I was turning another movie on. "Afternoon Honey." I looked towards the door seeing Mady. "You know it's dark out right?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am. Just wanted to see if you were awake." He said. I cocked my head to the side. He came over and got in bed with me. "I know Tex's rule." He said. I sighed before laying my head on his chest. "Did you eat?" I asked him. "I did. It was delicious." He said. "Did you cook it?" "I did cook it." I told him.

He kissed the top of my head. "Let's get some sleep. Tex asked me if it would be alright if you came to sit with me tomorrow." He said. "I won't mind." I said. "I know it was fine with you." He said. "Where are you at?" I asked him. "West side." He said. I hummed. Then started dozing. He rubbed my back and wrapped his arms around me to hold me better.

I fell asleep to the sound of his breathing and heartbeat.

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