Ch. 22

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I got up in the middle of the night to feed both foals. I started mixing formula a week after they were born. It's been two months. I got my postpartum period and it was horrible. I halfway awake, fed both at the same time before burping them.

I rocked them back to sleep and dozed off with them in my arms. I woke up in my bed with an arm over my back. I lifted my head to see it was Thomas. I carefully moved his arm off me before seeing his back. I cleaned it up before stitching the cut. He shifted. I finished and cleaned it up a little more. He lifted his head.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Fixing you up while the twins are still down." I said. He laid his head back down before sighing with a deep breath. "Changed their diapers for you after you fell asleep in the rocking chair." He said. "Thank you." I said. He hummed. "When did you get in?" I asked.

"Little after midnight." He answered. "Tex sent Madysyn out to finish my shift." "Would you like anything to eat?" I asked. "No ma'am." He answered. I got up and went to the nursery. I changed their diapers and went to warm their bottles. That's when they started crying. I quickly got them, felt the temp before going to feed them.

I sat down in the rocking chair with both. There was a knock at the door. "Come on." One of the girls entered. "Mind if I help you today?" She asked. "No, I don't mind." I answered. "Which one would you like me to take?" She asked. "I've got them at the moment. If you can, could you take the dirty laundry for me?" I asked.

"Sure." She answered. She got the nearly full basket full of baby clothes. I finished feeding them before burping them. I then carried them to the kitchen. I put both in their bouncer seats. Then went to cook breakfast for myself. I can tell I'm having cravings again this soon after giving birth to my two.

The girl came back. "Did you have breakfast?" I asked. "I did." She answered. "Is there anything you need done around the house?" She asked. "Minor cleaning in the baby room. The trash may need to be taken out." I said if you want to do it." I said.

"I was put here to learn how to take care of a foal." She said. "It's not hard until they become mobile." I said. Both of my foals squirmed in their seats. "They will sleep most of the day." I said. "How often do they need to be changed?" She asked. "Every two hours." I answered. "And fed?" She asked.

"When they want it." I said. "Does it matter what or how you feed them?" She asked as I finished cooking. "I breast fed for about a week before weaning them to formula." I said. She nodded. "You did see how I was feeding them didn't you?" I asked. "Yeah." She answered.

"That's one of the easiest ways for me to feed them. Usually one of the guys come over and feed, hold or change the one they have or the one that fusses second." I said. "Were you planning on having twins?" She asked. I shook my head as I took a bite.

My phone buzzed. Seeing that it was my brother, I answered. "Staying out of trouble?" I asked. "Honey. I need your help. There's a rogue stallion wondering around my land. He's killed most of the guys in my herd including my sons." He said. "And you can't fight him." I said knowing it was true.

"I can, I don't have anyone to watch my borders." He said. "Tex has his borders covered with the guys he has. I'll give you his office number so you can call him." I said as Mathias started to cry. "Do I have a nephew?" He asked. "Two." I answered. "You definitely have your hands full." He said.

"Yeah. Tex doesn't know what to do since he has two that can take his position." I said. "I would say, let one rule mine while the other stays there." Xavier said as I changed Mathias. "That would have to be taken up with my lead stallion." I told him as I finished.

My phone was taken from me. I turned seeing Tex. I shrugged before he started talking into the phone. I took Matt back to his bouncer and ate quickly while Tex had my phone talking to my brother. I finished just before Calum started. I knew it was a number two from across the kitchen. Then Matt. "Could you get him for me?" I asked her.

She got him having a crinkled up nose. Good thing Tex got me a double changing table. "How do you do this?" She asked. "To the best of my ability." I said as I quickly finished Calum. I went over to her and quickly changed Matt. Then picked both up and carried them out.

Tex took one from me. "Having foals means changing diapers." He said to the girl that was here. She turned her nose up. Tex sat down in the recliner with Calum. "What did you think of Xavier's offer?" He asked. "For the twins?" I asked. He nodded. "He can't breed with any of the baby girls there." I said. "They are cousins." He said. "Most of them at this point." I said.

"When did Thomas come in?" He asked. "He told me a little after midnight. Probably right after I fell asleep in the rocking chair with them." I said. Tex nodded.

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