Chapter 7 : The reason I don't like being called beautiful

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Ash gazed into the mirror and heard his friends  singing about how much they missed him 

" Oh,  If only my dear friend ash were here, how much I wish to undone do, what I have done......" James sang.

" I regret what I have done to you all those angry words, and hitting you for my release of anger ....." Misty said.

" Mew, Mew, mew, mew, mew mew mew mew" mew sang.

" You did not deserve what you got, I must find a way to get you back ... I have not slept in several days I think I'm gonna crack!"  mew sang.

"There's something missing in our lives and that's a precious friend Ash " They all sang.

Ash quietly shed tears "I miss you too guys."

Time skip 

 Mew two and ash were having a picnic and ash asked about Mewtwo's backstory, " Well  I was born in a lab there was this little girl I liked, but she died before her own birth and the humans tried to make me forget her. I went with team rocket for a little bit but I soon understood they were just using me. So I fought back and"

" Wow I guess we are not that different " ash said 

" what do you mean?" asked Mew two

" Well, when I was young there was a boy I really liked he said he liked me too, He even said he'd treat me to a milkshake. I waited for more than 2 hours, but when he showed up he was with his friends,  and they laughed at me saying that I wasn't pretty, which is why I thought he liked me in the first place. So I've never taken up an offer for a date since.  It's also why I slapped  you when you said I had a cute but."

" T-They d-did T-that to you ?!"

"Unhun" ash said as he cried.

" After I ran outside his sister pointed me out calling me gay, and a crybaby" which seemed to make Ash cry harder. 

"What did you do wrong !?" mew two said 

" Oh  Ash, That boy, and your father are fools for what they did to you!!!" mew two said 

"But they were right who would ever love me ?" After saying this his face was drenched with tears.

" I would ......" Mew two said 

" How do I know you aren't lying to me ?" ash said calming down a bit.

" Because I love y-you .........y-your hair...." Mew two said.

" That boy was a fool to break your heart, while I would never toy with your emotions, not for my own amusement ."

" really," Ash said 

"Not if it meant seeing  you frown ." Mew two said  

Ash relaxed a bit and fell asleep on Mewtwo, soon after mew two decided a nap was a good idea and fell asleep. 

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