Chapter 19 : The pregnancy (AKIA ) THE WRATH OF ASH!!!

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After mew two got it threw his head that ash was pregnat he was happy however he should have asked oak what he did when ash's mom was pregnat here why.

 Month 1 : Misery

" Uggh.... The remote is too far....." ash said trying to reach it .

Mew two picked it up and gave it to ash.

" ahhh!" ash said

" whats wrong?! they baby  is kicking" said ash .

"Oh." mew two said

Month 2 :  Soap actress phase

" uhun! It so sad all they wanted was the cookies! " ash said crying while mew two gave him a confused WTF face .

" uhhun ! I'm going to get fat!" ash said 

" what, no! you still the same size " mew two said trying to confront him

" Your just saying that so I'll stop crying" ash said as he sobbed harder.

" WHY ARE YOU DISNTANT FROM   ME ?????!!!" ash said as he cried even though mew two was an inch away.

" I'm -I'm not . though." mew two said giving a confused WTF face.

Month 3 : Fear 

" oh, no ,no What if i eat this and it hurts the baby..." ash said scared

" ash you do realzie what your holding is a cup of water right?!" mew two said


Mew two just stared at ash.

Month 4: Disgust

" Augh! I hate this smelling pile of clothes it smells horrible." ash said

" Ash we just washed it ." mew two said 

" Oh..." ash said

Month 5 : Clamnity

" UMMMM.....UMMMMM......UMMMMM.....Ummmmm. " ash said 

" Okay , oak I get everything else,  but he just sits their talking like that it's freaking me out." mew two said on the phone 

" Just let it runs the course....btw do you have a bunker...." oak said

" yes why??" mew two said 

" your gonna need it trust me!!!!" oak said

" Ummmmmm......... " ash said 

 Month 6: Cravings

" Mew two were out of mango Ice cream.!!!!" ash said

"You just had it for breakfeast!!!" mew two said

" so!!! We need to get more!!!!!!!" ash said at that moment mew two made a run for it along with 

his wallet. 

" Mew two !!! come back here to your husband right now!!!!!" ash said

mew two then ran for dear life.

Month 7:   Anger

Ash was storming left and right because Mew two acidently took the last of the mago ice cream.

" MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW       TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ash screamed which shaked the bunker it was so loud .

" Oak !!! help me he's gone rampant!!!!" mew two said on the phone

" just let it run it's course mew two." oak said

Mew two sighed this was going to be a very very long month...

Month 8 :  snoring

" NNNNNNGGGGGGH" ash said in his sleep mew two sighed and closed his eyes 

" MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" ash said in his sleep along with slapping mew two in the face with his arm. Mew two thought it was best to get up but ash laid on him making it impossible.... Mew two sighed this was going to be a long night!

Month 9 :  sleeping sleeping sleeping

" hey ash are you up ?" mew two asked 

" NGGGGGGGH" ash said 

"ANND your still alseep from your 6 hour nap. " mew two sighed this was going to be a long day

Month 10: Arvial 

" ahhh!" ash said 

"What is it?!" mew two said 

" The baby is comming!!!!!!!!!" ash said 

Mew two eyes wided and he teleported ash to a nearby hospital and alerted the family and friends.

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