Chapter 9: The date

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"I did" mew two said as he became visible.  mew two said 

"Ah, what were you doing and how much did you hear?" ash said 

" Everything and I just came with you on your walk," mew two said 

" Please don't,I know that my voice isn't beautiful,so I sing by myself  to not bother anyone" ash said 

" what that's crazy talk you have the loveliest voice, I have ever heard!"  mew two said 

" Oh, You think so " Ash began to blush at mew two.

" Yes, I do."

After that Ash blushed harder.

"Anyway since it's getting cold how bout, Ice skating?!" Ash said 

 " sounds good to me!" mew two said 

It took a while to get shoes that work for Mewtwo, but eventually, they were ice skating.

"Now, just point down to stop," Ash said.

Mew pointed down which look odd but managed to stop. Ash then decided they should swim in the pool next to get warm. 

" Hey, Ash why are we getting in the water ?!"

" Because it's fun," Ash said as he jumped in  Mew two gulped and jumped in after him. When he reached the top he relaxed it was kinda nice to swim. 

" Hey, how bout we play Marco polo ?" Ash said 

" what's that" Mew two asked.

" It's a game you do in a body of water," Ash said

"oh." replied mew two

"Sounds fun." mew two said

"Okay so to play one of us has to close our eyes while the other says, Marco. Also they other person says polo, so if my eyes were closed I say Marco then you say polo.  You also can't use your powers and the goal is to tag the person saying Polo, Got it ?"

Mew two nodded 

 "Okay 3, 2, 1, Go!"

"MARCO!" Mew two said 

"Polo!" ash said.

"MARCO " mew two said.

"Polo" ash said.

Mew two began swimming with his eyes closed as he tried to find ash after 20 min he found him. 

"My turn!" mew two said.

 "Marco" ash said 

"POLO" mew two said 

" Marco" ash said 

"POLO" mew two said

Ash managed to tag him when he swam by after a few rounds of that Ash taught mew two how to jump off a diving board and play water volleyball.  It was the middle of the day ash and Mewtwo was drying off and ash was laughing,  for mew two fur got all puffy he looked like a giant fuzzball. 

"It's not funny !" said but suddenly ash touched his chest and a low purr came out .

"Purrrrrrrrrrrrr, Purrrrrrrrrr!!!!" mew two purred while blushing.

Ash snickered.

"someone likes being petted!" ash said.

" ugh . darn you ." mew two said.

{Time skip to a few weeks later! cause well because }

" Um ash, would uh you like. to go on a d-d-date with me ?" mew two said 

When I Met you: MEWTWO X ASHWhere stories live. Discover now