Chapter 16: The battle

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" It took me awhile , but don't worry ash I'll save you!" mew cried as she went for mew two

" STOP!!!" both poke mon turned to ash 

" I don't want you to fight one of you may get hurt! Mew I know you mean well, but I'm happy  how things are, mew two even isn't after the world anymore." ash said

But mew looked in ash's eyes and undid the spell on him

" what the heck why am I in this room, and why Is James picking up after my Raichu?!" ash said

" Uh oh! " mew two said 


ash said crying hard

" DA ,! I can explain?!" mew two said

" Then why? ash asked him

" B-Because i didn't wan to loose you!" mew two said 

Mew prepared an attack for mew two but ash jumped in front of him 

" Ash!" both mew and mew two cried

Mew two began to cry.

"MMMMM" ash said

" Mew two ?" ash said

" Yes ?" meww two said with tears 

" I have one question , and if you answer it I will make a choice . You need to respect that choice do you understand." ash said

" Yes." mew two said ash smiled and gestured to go into a difrent room

" DO YOU LOVE ME?" ash asked

" I -I Yes Of course I do!" mew two said sadly

" Then mew two...." ash said he leaned up and.......

When I Met you: MEWTWO X ASHWhere stories live. Discover now