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WALKING AROUND THE empty compound, Alaïa decided to go on a walk around the city. She does get lonely alone in the compound.

Yes, she has Tony, Rhodey, and Vision but no one to close to her age nor they don't have time to hang around with her. She felt out of place truly.

Alaïa's electricity power has gotten better over the past few weeks. She is able to control the power, and Alaïa is very proud of that.

Leaving the compound, people would glance and often ask to take pictures with her. In which she would always agree and softly smile in them. Alaïa does have a high social media following in which she rarely uses since social media can be toxic at times.

She grabbed some candy in a nearby shop, and flew up to see the city below. Alaïa floated above the city, she felt in peace. She felt like she was finally getting closure from all of this and starting to finally be happy.

Alaïa saw a red and blue spandex that caught her eye swinging from building to building. He went on top of a building, and was just eating a sandwich watching the city below as well. Alaïa decided to make her way over to him.

Peter felt his senses coming in from behind him. He pulled down his mask as he turned around. Peter meet eyes with Alaïa; he smiled.

"Oh hey Alaïa." Peter said, making Alaïa smile knowing that he didn't forget her name.

"Hey." Alaïa said dragging her 'hey.'

She sat next to him and looked at the view below, Peter looked at the view then her and softly smiled.

"Is everything okay?" He asked her.

You always seemed to care even though I was a stranger. 

Alaïa turned to him somewhat shocked, that was the first thing he asked her.

She nodded, "yeah. How about you?"

"Pretty good, but is Happy's phone working? Because I have been texting and calling him, but I get no reply."

"I haven't talked to Happy in a while." Alaïa said, and glanced towards Peter, "sorry." Hoping that she didn't disappoint him. 

Peter reassured her that it was fine, "so why aren't you in the compound?"

"It gets quiet when half of your friends are captured." Alaïa answered truthfully.

"Is this about what happened in Berlin huh?"

She nodded, he turned his whole body towards her. Alaïa noticed and continued to speak.

"It just sucks you know? When it wasn't your fight but you got hurt in the end. It's very lonely in the compound. Literally, all I do is train." She paused and brought her knees to her chest, "I didn't want to see them in the cell that Ross put them in. I felt guilty." Alaïa vented to Peter on what she has been thinking about for the past couple of weeks. "But I feel like I'm getting closure from this." Alaïa concluded as she looked at the city below. 

Peter nodded at her words he realized that she is basically alone, somewhat similar to his situation. He has Aunt May and she used to have Wanda and Natasha, but it's different now.

"Where's your parents?" Peter asked her softly, not fully knowing her back story.

"They got killed. It was HYDRA who took their lives."

"Is that how you got your abilities? HYDRA found you?"

Alaïa nodded and glanced to Peter who was already looking at her, "their testing wasn't complete. Rhodey thinks that there's more that HYDRA put in me, but I don't know." 

There was silence in which the two teens liked. Alaïa noticed that it was getting late and Rhodey would be worried. She stood up making Peter following her movements.

"I have to go, but thank you for listening to me. I'm sorry if it was too much–"

"I like listening to you. You don't have to apologize for that." 

Alaïa softly smiled at Peter when that came out of his mouth. Peter's lips turned into a smile under his mask, then an idea came into his head.

"We should meet up here everyday, just to talk." He paused, "I like talking to you, Alaïa."

Alaïa nodded in agreement, "sure, I'll be there."

They looked at each other for couple seconds then Alaïa jumped into the air flying away, and went towards the compound. Leaving Peter on the building watching her leave, making his heart increase every time he thought about her.

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