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WALKING OFF THE JET TO the compound, Alaïa felt nervous. She wiped her sweaty palms in the back of her jeans, as the compound towered over her. Alaïa hasn't been here in years, but she remembered how she spent her whole life in that building. It felt nostalgic to her.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked looking down at her as Alaïa stood there looking at the compound in silence.

She nodded while taking a deep breath as she walked into the compound. Steve opened the door to find it the same way Alaïa left it. Walking down the hallway, she saw Natasha and Clint.

Alaïa froze, felt a wave of guilt wash over her. Natasha went towards Alaïa and hugged the young woman. She held back tears, seeing Alaïa in her early twenties, felt so different. Natasha was used to see a young teenager with a bright smile, and little bit of sass but the woman who walked though the door looked like she threw teenager Alaïa away.

Alaïa returned the hug, seeing her hair was fully almost turning red since Natasha had a blonde moment for a while. Pulling away, Alaïa made her away to Clint who gave her a hug also. She was surprised when she saw Clint was a bunch of tattoos and the hair was different. Alaïa liked the new look. 

"Come on, we need to get you settled. We have a meeting in couple of minutes." Steve said behind her and walked towards her room.

Following Steve, down the hallway that felt foreign to Alaïa. She made it to her room to find it the way that she left it. Neat and empty. Dropping her bag she went slowly into her room. Seeing it not moved made her realized how much that they actually hoped one day she'd come back.

Steve cleared his throat, "you can get yourself settled, we will have a meeting a few."

Alaïa nodded, with that Steve closed the door to give Alaïa some space. She took a deep breath and went to her suitcase making her change into more comfortable clothes than what she was wearing. She looked into the mirror and then her hands.

Alaïa saw her hands turn completely invisible made her sigh remembering the memories about the adventures she had with her powers. She looked at herself in the mirror again, and felt herself float.

It was like riding a bike, once you learn; you'll never forget.

She floated back down on the floor, and heard her phone go off. Grabbing it she got a couple of emails from work. Alaïa put her team in charge of the company since she is with the Avengers. She knows that she can count on them. Alaïa locked her phone and she decided that it was time to go downstairs to greet the others.

Walking into the room, and seeing everyone's eyes on her felt like she truly made the wrong decision to come back, until it wasn't.

"Alaïa!" Tony said walking up to her and giving her a hug, "You're home."

Returning the hug she saw Rhodey reaching to give her a hug also. "Wow. You really grown up."

Alaïa gave him a smile, the slowly reunited with everyone. She sat in the middle of Rhodey and Rocket, making herself starting to feel more at home.

"Okay, so the how works," Steve started while looking at the board. "Now, we gotta figure out the when and where. Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the six infinity stones."

"Or substitute the word 'encounter' for 'damn near been killed' by one of the infinity stones." Tony said looking at the team.

"Well, I haven't. I don't even know what the hell you're talking about." Scott said truthfully this made Alaïa chuckle.

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each. And the stones have been in a lot of places throughout history." Bruce said, walking up to front of the room.

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