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song suggestion; fine line by harry styles. start at 0.42. 

WALKING BEHIND PEPPER and Morgan. Steve and Natasha had a little flower bouquet in their hands surrounded with mix of white and blue.

Peter stood next to Wanda as they watched Alaïa's bouquet float away in the distance along with Tony's.

Steve looked at Natasha then the bouquet in the lake. Everything that Steve could remember of Alaïa flash in his eyes how he literally found her at a young age in Hydra's containment, trained her, and watch her become a young woman.

Once the both of the bouquets were no longer in sight. Steve, Natasha, and Pepper turned and slowly thank everyone for coming.

"Can I talk to you, Peter?" Wanda asked, making Peter nod his head and they walked off the bridge to a peaceful spot on the shore of the lake.

There was silence until Wanda spoke up, "she cared a lot for you Peter until the very end." Wanda said softly. "Natasha found this letter that Alaïa wrote before the mission. She wrote a letter to every person that was important in her life, and she had the letters on her in honor while in the battle. I thought I would give it to you."

Peter tried to give her smile hearing that but couldn't—his heart was too heavy. He took the letter from Wanda's hands and before he was able to say anything Wanda spoke up once again.

Wanda pulled out a necklace from her pocket, and glanced at Peter. "She left this behind as well."

Peter felt his breathing hitched, and slowly grabbed the necklace from Wanda's hands.

It was the necklace he got her.

He looked back up at Wanda, "thank you."

Wanda nodded and started to walk away from the funeral. Peter took a deep breath, and started to read the letter that was in his hands.

Dear Peter Parker,

Remember when we first met in that small deli shop? And how you apologized first even though I was the one who bumped into you?

When we first locked eyes, I felt starstruck in that moment.

I knew right then and there that you were going to have a huge impact on my life. It was so simple back then and filled with innocence. I look back on that specific memory, and sometimes I wonder if it was fate.

We met again at the airport in Berlin however. We were both so new to this, but yet we were ready for it. You saved me that day when my force field was about to disappear, and I was about to be crushed. It was such a cliche moment for the both of us to meet again in each other's arms.

Though we only had met a few days ago, and here we were. We could have gone our own ways, and not see each other after that day, but yet we continued to meet. It truly felt like we were bound to be together but we didn't know it.

You were always there for me no matter what the issue was. Looking back on how young we were, you didn't have to stay. You didn't have to care about me or my well being.

You always seemed to care even though we were strangers.

That night on the rooftop when it felt like everyone left me, and I was feeling my lowest; you were there. When you bought me that necklace, I couldn't put into words how much that let alone meant to me.

That's when I fell in love with you.

No one has done such a big gesture to me. That night I couldn't stop reaching for the necklace. It felt like we were always with me though I could've flown to Queens within minutes.

I felt my heart beating against my rib cage just thinking about you.

As we grew older and our relationship started to increase I knew that I would do anything for you. When we were in Space on Titian, I couldn't wrap my head around how young we were to be placed in a dangerous situation. While in Space however we told each other how we felt.

It was a mistake bound to happen.

I knew I was going to tell you how I felt, but it never crossed my mind that I will be telling you while the universe was on fire. Thinking about the times we spent together throughout our teenage years, I can't imagine it without you.

You make me feel at home.

Loving someone should not hurt, but here I was with my body on fire just thinking about you when you were gone.

In this life, we weren't supposed to end up together. Maybe the word 'forever' was made for memories not people. But I know I'll see you soon okay?

I promise.

Thank you for everything.


alaïa cora martinez rivera

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