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SHE WAS ARRIVING AT THE compound after hanging out with Peter once again. Alaïa had her eyes glued to her phone while a bag of candy in her other hand. Arriving at her room, she noticed a faint red glow around her door making her already know who was in the building.

Alaïa put her phone away in her back pocket, and left her candy on the counter. She walked around the floor to find it completely empty making her frown. Alaïa crossed her arms almost giving up until she slowly turned to see two people in which she'd never thought she would see again.

"Hey Alaïa." Steve greeted the teen with a small smile.

Alaïa stared at them not moving. It never crossed her mind that they would come back. They went off the grid completely.

"What do you guys want?" Alaïa asked, getting straight to the point.

She didn't want to see them right now. Alaïa finally started to get space from all this and now she felt like she took two steps backwards.

"To talk to you, Alaïa." Wanda spoke up walking closer to Alaïa.

"Well, I don't want to talk to both of you." She said stubbornly.

Wanda rolled her eyes, "don't be like that. We both know that you wanted to know if we were safe or not."

Alaïa shook her head in disagreement. She had noticed that Wanda dyed her hair into more of a strawberry red. It suits her. Alaïa let her arms fall at her sides. "You know, it hurts seeing all the people I care for leave my life," Alaïa paused staring at them. "It's selfish to put myself first, but it did hurt."

"We didn't want you to be brought into this. You're still young, Alaïa." Steve answered as he watched Alaïa standing a few feet away from them. He noticed that her hair had grown along with a new necklace resting around her neck.

"What do you guys want?" She asked them again.

"Wanda is here to get some things from her room. Along with me, trying to clear the air with you." Steve replied truthfully.

"Listen, you guys can do whatever you want. Tony and Rhodey aren't here, and since it's dark now no one will come up on this floor. So you guys will be fine, no one will see you. Plus, I will be out of your guys' way. I need to do my skin care." Alaïa concluded as she started to walk towards her room.

Wanda and Steve looked at each other curious why Alaïa was giving them all this information at once. Wanda spoke up confused on where she just came from since Alaïa rarely came to the compound this late.

"Where did you go?" Wanda asked, making Alaïa stop walking towards her room.

Alaïa turned to Wanda and shrugged off her question, "somewhere."

Steve looked at her closely, "are you meeting up with that kid that Tony brought?"

Alaïa bit her check and tried to lie on the spot. "No, I am not."

Wanda gave her a small smile, "is this why you didn't want to go with Vision when you had a chance? You took interest in that spider boy."

Alaïa rolled her eyes trying to continue with her lie, "No, of course not. We just friends."

"That better be the only thing you guys are going to call your friendship." Steve said at Alaïa.

Wanda took this chance to walk to her room to get her stuff. Steve looked at Alaïa and placed his arm around her shoulders guiding her towards the couch.

"C'mon, I think it's time for the talk."

Alaïa shook her head quickly trying to avoid it, "no, it's okay really."

It was too late though Steve sat her on the couch and crossed his arms as he watched her play with her sleeves. Alaïa was nervous and Steve noticed that.

"How old is he?"

"He's my age."

Steve nodded at her reply, "do you like him?"

Alaïa groaned at the question, "no trust me, we are just friends."

"That's not what your eye color says. I also know that you have perfect vision, so those aren't contacts."

She felt frozen in that moment. Alaïa remembered that sometimes her eyes change color when she's in love or sad. At first she thought the power was cool, but now that she's older she dislikes it. Alaïa made a mental note to herself to order some sunglasses on Amazon later.

"No, I'm just sad." Alaïa remarked, trying to get Steve to let go of the situation.

Steve chuckled at her response and stood up from the couch. "Here."

In his hand was a phone, a very old phone.

"It's something that you can contact us with. If you send a message it will be a while but we will most likely pick up if you call."

Alaïa smiled at the phone then at Steve. She took the flip phone from his hand and placed it in her back pocket. Alaïa then looked at Steve with sadness. She was going to miss him, it felt like yesterday that Steve rescued her fro HYDRA.

"So you are really going off the grid huh?" She asked Steve.

Steve nodded at her question, "seems like it, kiddo. We have no choice."

Wanda came back into the room with a box filled with her stuff. Alaïa saw on the top of her box was Wanda's sitcoms. Alaïa chuckled on remembering how Wanda and Alaïa would sometimes pull all nighters watching them together.

"You ready?" Wanda asked Steve, making him nod.

They walked towards the elevator with Alaïa following them as a loose follow.

"Say 'hi' to Nat and Sam for me okay?" Alaïa asked softly, feeling her heart sink that she won't see them anymore.

Steve nodded, and came over to give Alaïa a hug. He was truly going to miss her. The fact that she was a child when Steve found her and she's a young adult now made him bittersweet.

Wanda set the box on a counter and gave Alaïa a hug. She was hurt by the fact she won't see Alaïa as much anymore and she'll miss a few milestones that Alaïa will have to face alone.

Alaïa hugged back, and all she wanted to do is to not let them go.

Pulling away, Wanda gave her a smile one last time. They slowly went out the way they came in and with that they were gone.

Alaïa stood there for a couple of seconds, and made her way towards her room. She touched her necklace that's when she realized that Alaïa made the right choice to stay.

hey guys!! i'm soooo sorry
i haven't updated in a while!
i have been busy with drivers ed
and etc!
after this chapter it's infinity war :')
also thoughts on far from home?
please don't spoil it in the
comments for those who haven't
seen it yet!! just dm me and we can
talk/rant about the film
don't worry yall i don't bite 🥺

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