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ALAÏA WAS CHECKING her outfit for the hundredth time before fully walking out of her room to go back into city to see her spider friend.

The teens have gotten close over the past two months. They would often meet up on top of a building to see the city below. Most of the times though they would actually hang out away and sometimes forget that they are superheroes in the end.

Alaïa misses Wanda, a lot. Along with Natasha, Steve, and Sam she still feels empty but somewhat felt like it was bound to happen. Wanda was getting older and did not need everyone on her back. With Tony and Steve they just had a hard fallout.

She was turning the corner when she saw Vision walking out of his room with a suitcase in his hand.

Alaïa chuckled seeing him, "Vis? Where are you going?"

Vision slowly turned to the teen who had a smartphone in her hand, and looked at him curiously.

"I am going somewhere for a little while." He said blankly.

Alaïa grew interested and slowly came closer to him. "Where are you going? A little vacation?" She paused thinking about her dream places that she would love to go, "California? France? Oh my gosh, if you are please get me a keychain. I'll pay you back. I've always wanted–" Alaïa stopped rambling when she noticed his silence.

Vision stood there blankly. Alaïa had gotten a weird feeling in her stomach.

"Vision? Where are you going?" She asked with a little tone in her voice.

He sighed knowing there was no way out of this one, "I don't think, I'll be coming back for a while Alaïa."

She crossed her arms knowing the answer, "you are going with Wanda huh?"

Vision slowly nodded while Alaïa started to get upset.

"Go with her then." She said rudely.


"No! Just go. Like everyone has been doing to me for my whole life. Just go."

Vision put down this suitcase and started to walk towards her. "Alaïa, mistake me if I'm wrong, but you were the one that said 'we are all that Wanda has' I think it's incredibly selfish if you were to say that you never meant it."

Alaïa stood silent remembering that she did say it at the airport in Berlin a couple months ago. She did mean to say it because it was true. Though it hurt that someone close to her was leaving she knew that Vision did have to join Wanda.

Alaïa took a deep breath, and felt tears starting to build up in her eyes, "no, you're right it would be selfish if I didn't mean it." She paused and tried to blink her tears away knowing that she won't be seeing Vision anymore because he will be on the run with Wanda. 

It stung a little bit.

"You should go with her." She nodded in agreement while she walked away from him.

"You know, Wanda asked me to ask you if you wanted to come with us right?"

Alaïa stopped walking, having Vision's comment sink in. She thought her life would change if she went on the run with them. Alaïa just couldn't see herself going down that route. "I think it's best if I stay here. I still have to train just in case some alien came to Earth." She tried to joke as Alaïa felt her tears slowly escape her eyes.

"Alaïa, I'm really sorry—"

"No, you guys belong together. Good luck." Alaïa said as she was walking out of the hallway towards her room. 

When she made it to her room, Alaïa felt tears falling down from her eyes. She knew that Vision was bound to leave at some point, but she didn't expect all the people she cared for so much to go within a span of two months.

She had never felt so alone before. 

Alaïa went on her bed and brought her knees to her chest. It was frustrating to Alaïa that her life is a rollercoaster and all Alaïa wants is to get out of this rollercoaster, and to have people that she cares a lot for not leave her life.

Her phone vibrated making her take her phone from her back pocket and read the message across her screen.

"Shit." Alaïa saw the message from Peter on her phone, and quickly wiped her tears from her face.

Her phone vibrated making her take her phone from her back pocket and read the message.

She took a deep breath and debated on cancelling with Peter. Alaïa stared at the message and decided that the only person that she needs right now is him. She texted him back that she would be a little late instead of canceling.

Alaïa went to the bathroom, and wet her face with cold water. She stared at her reflection, and just wanted to cry even more. Her nose and eyes were red, making her go to her vanity to grab her concealer.

Looking at her reflection once more, she bit the inside of her cheek trying to forget the thought of everyone leaving her. She grabbed her phone from her bed, and started to leave her room going towards the exit to meet the only person that she hoped won't leave her.

omg i'm sooo sorry for not
updating this story. i have been
on writers block and school was
taking up half of my timee. but
since its summer i can update
a lot faster now 🥰
thank you for 5k reads like omg i luv u guys :')

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