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PETER SAT ALONE ON THE ROOFTOP, waiting for Alaïa to show. He let his feet dangle as he watched the sunset. Peter heard footsteps behind him making me turn around to see Alaïa walking towards him with her hood up. She sat next to Peter, and stared at the sunset without saying anything to him.

Peter watched her and decided to speak up, "I almost got hit by a car on my way over here." He recalled the memory to him a few minutes ago, and tried to get a reaction from Alaïa.

Alaïa didn't answer, and made Peter worried as she didn't make a remark. Peter couldn't see her face, and leaned forwards trying to glance at her face to see her nose red.

"Alaïa, are you okay?"

"No, I am not." She finally spoke bringing her hands to face. Alaïa wiped her eyes and looked down instead of the sunset in front of her.

"Vision left, meaning literally everyone I know in my life is leaving me. I feel like I'm a disease spreading among us having people leaving me left and right."

"I haven't." Peter said softly.

Alaïa glanced at Peter to see him staring at her, and noticed that he moved closer to her. She faced forward, and brought her knees to her chest. "It's true what they say you know? 'The more people you bring into your life the easier they can walk out.' I know I shouldn't be upset for them to leave, but it does hurt." Alaïa said, feeling tears fall from her eyes.

Alaïa felt Peter's arm around her shoulder, and slowly brought her towards his chest. Peter noticed that she was wearing his hoodie, making him softly smile to himself.

"You have me. Okay?" Peter spoke up again. "The things that we fear the most, tend to be the things that already happened to us."

That's when I fell in love with you.

Alaïa wiped her tears from her cheeks and thought about what Peter just said. He wasn't wrong. She took a deep breath and finally faced Peter. Peter wiped her tears with his gloved hand, and noticed her eyes stayed the light blue color.

"Ew I'm sorry," Alaïa said looking at Peter's chest, noticing some of her tears were on Peter's suit. "I know it was a lot at once."

"Never apologize for that."

Alaïa looked up at Peter, and gave him a weak smile. "Thank you Peter. You always know what to say." Alaïa said wrapping her arms around him pulling him into a hug.

Peter hugged her back, and didn't want to let go. He remembered something that he had for her. Peter removed his arms around her, making Alaïa confused when he reached for his bag.

"I have something for you." Peter said, reaching into his bag.

"That's so cheesy." Alaïa said with a laugh escaping her lips.

Peter smiled to himself that he made her feel better. Hearing what she just said Peter turned to her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we have a sentimental moment, and you have something for me?" Alaïa asked while taking off her hood from her head. "Sounds like fanfic to me."

Peter laughed at her remark, "trust me, I got you this a few weeks ago, but it just came into the mail like yesterday."

Alaïa's eyes softened, "wait Parker, you didn't have to get me anything."

"Now that sounds like a fanfic moment."

Alaïa chuckled at his comment, and faced him so she could give him her full attention. He reached in his bag and pulled out a box. Peter handed her the box with a smile while Alaïa stared at the box in full surprise.

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