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WAKING UP AND SHE THEN remembered why she was here–why she was truly here. It was for getting back the ones she loves.

Getting dressed, Alaïa went downstairs saw everyone already downstairs. She'd completely forgot that she was on California time. Meaning it's eleven am instead of eight am her time.

"Good morning Alaïa." Clint said with a small smile, she returned it.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed some toast with jam. Alaïa saw Thor sitting at the table by himself making her join him.

Thor narrowed his eyes at her, "you look different."

"I'm twenty-one. The last time you saw me was when I was sixteen." She said while shrugging his comment off, making Thor shake his head.

"It's almost like you feel relieved, I can see it in your eyes. Yesterday your eyes were dull, now they are filled with rejoice."

Alaïa creased her eyebrows then laughed, "you literally looked at me for ten seconds."

"Within those ten seconds though, I managed know almost everything that's been going on in your little your head." Thor said standing up and walking away from the table.

Alaïa puzzled on what just happened then quickly brushed it off. She finished her toast then she washed her dish. Alaïa saw everyone starting to head into the room for a meeting. Walking over there, Alaïa saw almost everyone there has if they were waiting on her.

"Good! She's up." Tony said clapping his hands happy that they can get started.

Alaïa sat down next to Scott, with her notepad and pen in front of her.

"The soul stone now," Tony paused. "Does anyone have information about this stone?" Tony asked the team.

"I do." Nebula said in the corner of the room. Tony allowed her to come up front of the room to speak.

She walked in front of the room. "Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vomir." Nebula spoke.

"What is Vomir?" Natasha asked while writing down notes also.

Nebula paused, "it's where Thanos murdered my sister."

Steve sighed, there was silence in the room. Alaïa looked down, feeling uneasy. She felt like her chest was closing in on her, she knew that feeling.

"Not it." Scott said next to Alaïa.

"Let's take a break?" Tony said making everyone nod.

She stood up and quickly ran to her room. Alaïa started to cry, and she continued to take deep breathes. Just remembering how she couldn't even do anything to stop Thanos years ago made her sob even more. Alaïa was tired physically, emotionally, and mentally.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Steve asked walking into her room interrupting her thoughts.

"I can't do this Steve." Alaïa said turning around to look back up at him.


"I want to help, I really do." Alaïa pulled a piece of hair from her face feeling the tears come down her face. "I don't think, I have the strength to do it."

Steve said nothing but then hugged the young adult. It was hard for Steve see how broken she was considering he watched her grow up and he couldn't prevent anything for her to feel this way.

Alaïa continued to sob on Steve's chest. "I can't do this. And I know I sound like a brat, but I don't think I can do this." Alaïa said into Steve's chest.

"Hey, you are literally one of the strongest people I know. You fought Thanos until you couldn't. You started a company to help children at such a young age. You have done so many things that are impossible but you did because you had strength." Steve said softly trying to confront her.

Alaïa pulled away from Steve and chuckled, "sorry. I got tears on your shirt."

Steve looked at Alaïa, and immediately thought of something. "C'mon, I'm going to take you somewhere to get your mind off of everything."

She shook her head disagreeing, "I came here to help not to distract you guys'."

Steve started to walk out of her room not listening to her argument, "we are leaving in ten."

Alaïa stood there for couple of minutes then she quickly changed her shoes to met up with Steve who was downstairs by the front door. Walking outside they both found Scott who was outside eating tacos. When he saw them, he narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Where you guys going?" He asked them.

"I need to show her something, it won't take long. We'll be back." Steve said going to his car and unlocking it.

Alaïa waved goodbye to Scott along with Scott doing the same thing.

Once in the car, she noticed how much technology changed in cars. The car ride was silent, there was only music playing in the background. It calming.

"Alaïa? Do you have your driver's license?" Steve asked suddenly.

She slowly shook her head. "I never got around to it."

"You're twenty-one." Steve said, glancing at her.

Alaïa shrugged, "I mean, why hurt planet more when you can just walk?"

"True, but once this is all over you should get your license."

"You know, you sound like my best friend, Landon." Alaïa chuckled in memory of her friend in the coffee shop.

"Landon?" Steve asked Alaïa allowing a person to cross the street.

Alaïa nodded, "yeah we met a year ago. He was my first friend I made in LA."

Steve noticed this then softly smiled, "he must mean a lot to you."

Alaïa turned to him, "he's just my friend."

"That's what you said to Peter when you first met him." Steve said then paused, "Do you still think about Peter? I mean, when we get them back he will be sixteen still and you're—"

"I know the age difference Steve." Alaïa said interrupting him. "I mean, it does suck when your heart did care for this person but it was too late to say anything. I do still think about him, but I've changed, and I'm not a teenager anymore. I just hope Peter and I stay friends even though we are so different now." Alaïa said all in one breath.

Steve nodded understanding where she was coming from, "you guys will."

Finally they arrived, it was a bridge and below was a body of water. Alaïa creased her eyebrows together on what Steve was trying to show her. Getting out of the car, they both approached the bridge. She narrowed her eyes then she realized that you can see whales on the distance.

Alaïa softly smiled at the sight.

"Things are going to be okay, Alaïa."

Looking out to the water and took a deep breath. She nodded and turned to Steve.

"Yeah, yeah they are."

hi loves!!
hope you enjoy this chapter!
stay safe!

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