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FLYING UP INTO SPACE, and seeing the compound getting smaller and smaller made her feel determined. She was ready–ready to get her life back, ready for everything.

"Okay, so who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked the crew.

Natasha, Rhodey, Steve, rose their hands making Alaïa and Thor chuckled.

"You guys better not throw up on my ship."

"Approaching jump in three..." Nebula said starting to counted down, Alaïa's eyes were filled with exploration.

Feeling the ship take off, and seeing space like she once had with another team Alaïa started to have flashbacks from that day. She started to remember everything, from meeting the Guardians to come face to face with Thanos. 

Alaïa noticed her chest feeling like it was closing in on her and she started to feel numb. Seeing that they arrived, Alaïa took deep breaths focusing on her breathing, while her body was trembling not knowing what was happening to her–she started to panic.

Carol went out of the ship, letting everyone out of their seats besides Alaïa.

Thor noticed her making his eyebrows frown. He walked close to her. "Alaïa, you alright?"

"I can't breathe." She managed to get out.

Thor quickly kneeled down in front of Alaïa. "Hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be fine." He tried to calm down the teen. "Have you had this feeling before?"

Alaïa shook her head, making Thor look around for support to find no one paying attention to what's happening. They were all looking down at the planet and focused on the plan, and talking to Carol who was outside of the ship. Thor faced Alaïa again, and started to help her.

"Alaïa, count to ten with me okay?" Thor said turning to the teen.

She nodded, and Thor helped her calm down her breathing. What seemed like half an hour which really only took three minutes. Alaïa took a deep breath to find Thor smiling that his method worked.

"Thank you." She managed to say. Alaïa placed her head in her hands, feeling numb.

"It's no problem," Thor said standing up. "You should stay on the ship though."

Alaïa shook her head pulling her head from her hands, "I'm okay, Thor. I feel—"

"Alaïa, you just had your first panic attack."

Hearing that made Alaïa stand up, making Thor watch her carefully.

"Listen, I cannot control what you can or cannot do, but I want you to be safe—"

"I'll be safe when Thanos is dead and when we get back everyone that we care for so much." Alaïa interrupted Thor and walked past him when the others started to go towards the exit of the ship as well.

Thor was getting annoyed with the teen knowing the fact that Alaïa is not mentally ready but yet she still wants to risk herself to put others first. He got flashbacks of when his brother died when Thanos came for the Space stone, and though Thor has rarely seen Alaïa throughout her years; he won't let her get hurt.

"I don't get it Alaïa!" Thor said loudly with anger, getting everyone's attention immediately. "You need to rest, we can handle Thanos trust me."

"Thor." Steve said, trying to stop him.

"Why is this so important to you?" Thor asked angrily towards Alaïa.

"I didn't get to say goodbye to Peter!" Alaïa yelled back at Thor making everyone on the ship become silent. "I didn't tell him that I love him!" She took a deep breath, "or Wanda, or Sam. He took everything from me, Thor."

Alaïa's cheeks started to stream with tears, making Natasha come up to her telling her once again to breathe.

"You aren't the only one suffering." Thor replied and walked off the ship.

Natasha wiped Alaïa's tears feeling horrible that Alaïa was feeling this way. Rhodey came next to the teen watching Alaïa stop herself from crying even more, and shared a glance to Nebula.

Before she can get off the ship, Natasha held her arm in support. "Alaïa, do you want to talk?"

"No, I'm fine." Alaïa said stubbornly walking off the ship, leaving Natasha and Steve to glance at each other in disbelief. That's not the Alaïa that they know. They quickly realized that she wasn't ready for this, and that guilt will follow them until their last breath.

In position, seeing Carol burst into Thanos's home, Alaïa walked beside Rocket seeing the Mad Titian. She took a huge breath, when seeing him in pain. Having flashbacks, of him stabbing Tony—then remembering what he did to millions of people, made Alaïa's body filled with rage.

"Oh no." Rocket said next to her, looking down at the gauntlet to find it empty.

Alaïa turned to Steve, to have the same expression as everyone in the room. "Where are they?"

Carol was holding Thanos in a head lock, "answer the question."

"The universe required correction." Thanos spoke, making Rhodey upset.

"You murdered trillions!" Rhodey spoke pushing Thanos to the floor.

"You should be grateful!"

Natasha looked at Thanos, "where are the stones?"

"Gone! Reduced to atoms." Thanos spoke, this made Alaïa feel tears in her eyes again.

"You used them two days ago!" Rocket spoke up. 

"I used the stones to destroy the stones! It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable." Thanos said looking at the Avengers.

Alaïa stood frozen, it was as if someone grabbed her heart and crushed everything she knew and love in front of her.

"We have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying." Rhodey said not giving up.

"My father is many things, but a lair isn't one of them." Nebula said walking up to Thanos.

Thanos looked up at Nebula, "thank you daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly."

Thor took out his weapon causing it to come into contact with Thanos's neck. Alaïa quickly looked away, seeing once his head was no longer on his head, and dead.

"What?" Rocket asked, "Thor? What did you do?"

"I went for the head." He answered.

This started to hit Alaïa, not only that they fully lost, but the fact that there's nothing that she can do anymore. They are gone, forever.

sorry for the long update
and horrible chapter but!
i'll be updating a lot since i
do have the free time now!
hope you guys are staying safe!
and wash your hands and social
distance!! love you guys!

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