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THEY HAVE BEEN FLYING in space for awhile now. Alaïa was on the floor sitting in a corner while Peter was exploring the ship. Alaïa would've gone with him, but she was more worried that they would lose against the villain.

Sitting there thinking to herself, she kept replaying what Peter had said to her. Though Peter usually always says those kind of things to her, Alaïa didn't think to much of it. During the summer she heard him say something similar to another girl. She didn't want to assume anything, so Alaïa sat there in her own thoughts.

She remembered that Vision was back on Earth, she'd hoped that Wanda would protect him. Then again, they haven't talked in a couple of months.

Alaïa heard footsteps she turned her head and saw Peter walking up to her.

"You won't believe what I found! All the ship's technology is so powerful, it's crazy." Peter said, sitting down next to her.

Alaïa chuckled at his comment, Peter then noticed that something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

Alaïa nodded, "Yeah, just a little bit nervous." She stated truthfully.

"I think we all are." Peter said truthfully grabbing her hand and drawing in the palm of her hand. He would often do that, it was calming to Alaïa while Peter wanted to hold her hand. 

Alaïa looked down to see what he was drawing. She felt her heart increase when she glanced at Peter drawing a heart while in the middle of the heart, he wrote their initials inside the heart. 

"You have small hands." He said with a small chuckle.

Alaïa pulled her hand away from his gasp, "thanks." She said sarcastically.

"Peter! Alaïa! Come over here please." Tony said with his voice echoing through out the ship.

Peter stood up first and gave his hand to help Alaïa up. As Alaïa was walking away, Peter grabbed her hand pulling her back making a frown appear on Alaïa's face.

"What's wrong?" Alaïa asked, wondering why he stopped her from going to Tony.

Peter took a deep breath, debating if he should tell her right then and there. He wanted to tell her but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Peter looked at Alaïa who was staring back at him waiting for an answer.

"N-nothing," Peter shook off what he was trying to say.

Alaïa narrowed her eyes at Peter, and nudged him with her free hand. She started to chuckle when he nudged her as well.

Alaïa felt Peter's hand drop from her own hand making her stomach sink. The teens walked to Tony to see him with his arms crossed. 

"What's wrong?" Alaïa asked him.

Tony sighed as he looked at the teens who had pure confusion on their face, "I have been thinking for the past twenty minutes about something that might chance your life mentality and physically."

Alaïa turned to Peter confused along with Peter doing the same. Tony came close to the them and tapped their shoulders like knight.

"You guys are Avengers now."

Alaïa's eyes widen hearing that. For years, she would never think that she would be called an Avenger. It never crossed her mind that she would be an Avenger so young. Alaïa thought she would be called an Avenger at least in her late teens, early twenties; but now here she is–an Avenger.

Peter turned to Alaïa with a smile with high five. "We did it!"

Alaïa returned the high five with a small smile as well. 

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