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  High on his horse, General Zhao rode through the run-down village, mud and shit spraying everywhere with each flick of the horse's hooves.

  Being at the head of the garrison, he received all the glares head-on, whispers and curses flew by his ears as he rode past with a straight, stern face. His overall image was not short of terrifying, hair gathered into a neat, high ponytail, decorated with but one single golden hairpin. his armour polished black and silver, absorbing the light around him, almost casting him in shadow and the red cape that draped down his broad back. No one would be surprised if one said it was dyed red with blood.

  "My son... My son is only fifteen you bastard! He's a child!"

  "My husband works the field, he has a bad leg!"

  "Please don't take father away!"

  Children, girls, women, crones all of them sobbing, swarming the lines beside his garrison. Mothers cried for their sons, wives their husbands and children their fathers.

  But there was no other way. To protect the country he'd take whatever manpower he could get, be it children or cripples.

  With an indifferent face, he left the village with fifty more men now marching with him. As they ascended into the foresty hills, the women's wails could still be heard.

  The General reined in his horse and looked out into the distance, there were still many more villages, towns and cities to get through. His heart was covered in yet another layer of ice and concrete, to protects others, to protect himself.


A/N- hehehe hahaha ufufufu, I'm just excited at starting a new story, hope ya'll enjoy!

MEET ME ON THE BATTLEFIELDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora