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  (Play dat tune)

One day, war veterans all appeared on the meadow.

  A white haired QianDu stood there in full armour gazing at the sky.

  A middle aged A'Li, accompanied by a graceful lady and two children, wandered around the tree.

  Even HuangGu and XueHu were there, hiding in the trees, sharing a jar of wine.

  The retired general Li had passed away at the age of ninety three.

  Yet no one was grieving, this was a meeting of celebration. For the general who'd been yearning for his lost loved one all these decades, could finally meet him again.

  HuangGu took a sip of the strong wine as she said, "That stubborn general sure lived a long life..."

  XueHu smirked, "You call that a long life? Tche... I don't even understand why he didn't die sooner to go meet YuLin."

  HuangGu rolled her eyes and sighed. "Aiya... you really don't understand matters of the heart do you?... If the general had died at a young age, YuLin would likely ignore him in the after life for not living a full life when he could've..."

  XueHu humphed and took a big gulp. "Either way... I'm sure they've met up by now..."

  "Perhaps they are already drinking from Meng Po's soup... " HuangGu smiled.

  "You think they'll reincarnate soon?" XueHu asked.

  "Who knows... maybe tomorrow, maybe next year... maybe in a thousand years... all I can say is... their fates are intertwined, even without memories of this life, I'm sure they'll find each other."

  XueHu sighed, "I suppose all we can do is wait then..." Then he looked down at the gathered people who began lighting lanterns as the sky grew dark.

  It was suddenly as if the sky had tipped upside down and all the stars were lit when the sun finally disappeared into the ground.

  The two demons sat in the tree went silent. t was quite beautiful, darkness lit up by the warm glow of lanterns, illumination the odd batch of wildflowers.

  QianDu drew a small vial of wine from his sleeves. The others followed. He lifted into the air and shouted, "To General Li, to YuLin, to our fallen brothers and sisters!" and drank.

  At that moment a strong wind blew, rustling the tree and grass and flowers. HuangGu smiled and whispered, "They're here for a final farewell..." She glanced at XueHu, "Do the honours please... seeing as I can't..." She said as she smiled bitterly at her wooden hands.

  XueHu humphed once before bringing his closed palms up, and he opened them, fine, golden dust laid within his palms, glowing like fireflies. He took a breath and blew gently. The golden dance floated on the wind, winded its way down the trees and onto the meadow.

  The men and women gasped as they saw a trail of fine golden dust dancing in the air, then settling in one spot before the old house.

  A two figures were outlines by the golden dust. One tall and sturdy, one shorter and slim... both young...

  QianDu squinted before exclaiming, "General!...Kid!..."

  Waves of gasps echoed through the crowd as they recognised the young figured of their general and YuLin.

  A'Li smiled and lightly trembled as he watched YuLin Gege's glowing silhouette. He thought he saw YuLin's head turn his way and smile...

  The crowd saluted as many cried.

  In the air was a faint laughter and a jingle of bells as  YuLin's figure aired one arm and waved, their light faded and dimmed but YuLin kept waving whilst LiZhao gripped his hands and watched lovingly.

  When at last the illuminating gold dust was no more, the crowd was abuzz with chatter.

  "What was that!"

  "I saw general and that YuLin kid!"

  "Me too Me too!"

  "Was it ... really them?"

  XueHu chuckled as he watched the commotion go on below, "The soul illumination dust really doesn't last long hm..."

  HuangGu smiled, "It was long enough..."






  At the middle of the city, in a multi million estate building, a man rushed in with a letter in his hands. 

  "Boss, boss! That guy finally proposed! He just sent out the wedding invitations! Took him long enough to chase that rich Miss don't you think? Anyway.... her's your invitation." The man said as he steeped into the wide open office of his boss, the Ceo of said multi million estate.

  The cold man who was sat on the chair raised his finely chilled faced and glanced the messenger with displeasure. Then his eyes landed on the invitation later and huffed. "Go prepare some gifts. Call a cab for me, I'll need to make some preparations."

  The messenger shivered slightly at his cold tone, geeez, he's been working with boss for seven years now but he still scared him... "Y-yes boss..."

  At the edge of the city, where traffic was less and trees were more, at a humble veterinary, a young man with tousled bed hair bent down to pick up a letter that had just come off the floor. 

  He hummed a soft tune whilst opening the letter, when he read the contents, he laughed out loud and spoke to himself, "I'll have to prepare a good gift... ZhangBei has finally proposed!"


A/N- two more extra chapters and this story will come to an end.

Thank you all who stuck with this author and read this story.

I hope you enjoyed!

Extra coming tomorrow *wink*

On an extra note... you're comments from the previous chapters have verbally killed me! I loved it! Ahahahah, I'm glad ya'll felt for ma bebe's death, I cried too ya know... Your comments fuel me to continue to write!!! Thanks!!!!

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