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A/N- hello all, sorry for absence I just moved into uni and it's been HECTIC! Without further ado, lets see our babies one more time.


   LiZhao could not seem to find the right words. When the young man said something about a promise, too many emotions came forth he could not sort through it all at once so he instead chose to walk closer to the man.

  YuLin, seeing the handsome stranger walk towards him felt a heavy sense of something settling over his heart.

  the two silently stared at each other, one looking up, the other looking down. the distant mumble of the crowd was far away as the rain and thunder overtook, however, both men could only hear the rapid beatings of their own heart.

  At last, LiZhao gathered his wits and asked, "What's your name?."



 "YuLin! Grumpy face is here again!" A young girl shouted, with her head turned away from a rather annoyed man at the door.

  YuLin's mother instantly rushed over and rushed her youngest daughter aside.

 "Yoho, Ah'Li you've come again!"

  LiZhao nodded and gave a tightlipped smile as he handed a box of luxurious rose chocolates to the excited woman. She took the box of goodies and smiled at the stiff man. "How've you been lately?"

  LiZhao replied, "I've been well Mrs. Feng, thank you for asking."

  "And YuLin?"

  At this, a faint smile appeared on LiZhao's face as he said with a low but warm face, "He's happy. I promised I'd look after him."

  YuLin's mother smiled and nodded.

  Just then, a slim figure appeared at the edge of the stairs, "LiZhao! You're here ten minutes early!"

  LiZhao smiled and walked over. Even though YuLin was still on the last step of the stairs, LiZhao was still half a head taller as he leaned down and nuzzled his nose against YuLin's, a low hum in his throat.

  YuLin grinned and pulled away, "It's fine that you're early. I'm ready to go!"

  His mother grinned and opened the door as she said, "alright boys, have fun on you're road trip, be safe, drive safe, A'Li, YuLin will want to drive, don't let him. It's scheduled to rain this evening so make sure to be at an inn this afternoon or stop by the road side ok?"

  YuLin pouted at the mention of not being able to drive LiZhao's Bugatti la couture noir.

  LiZhao nodded and promised. With that, they left the house after being hugged by everyone in the house. YuLin hopped into shotgun with vigor and sighed at the comfortable feeling of leather to touch. He turned and watched as LiZhao also climbed in and started the car.

  YuLin leaned his face his hand and gazed at LiZhao.

  They'd  been dating for eight months now. When they first met at the wedding party they were flabbergasted their reaction towards each other. Unknowingly, the holes in both their hearts were filled instantly and even over brimming with content and happiness. At first they were cautious with each other due to these unsettling emotions, then they grew closer and more familiar. One 'bumped' into the other as the other 'pretended' to be surprised at the encounter.

  After months of meetings and encounters, YuLin eventually jumped on LiZhao one day, catching LiZhao off guard. He was only shocked for a second before reacting to YuLin and equally ravaging him. Since then they were inseparable, LiZhao's company gave YuLin unrestricted access to the building, YuLin's family pampered LiZhao as if he were their own... not counting the sisters of course because they wanted their brother to themselves.

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