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  YuLin was bordering unconsciousness. He could just about barely keep his eyes open enough to see the scenery rush by, the forest blurred at XiaoQi's speed.

  YuLin attempted to speak but his jaw could barely move. He wanted to tell XiaoQi to turn around, he knew the feline beast was taking him back to the city.

  And thus, he could only inwardly curse his rotten luck in meeting that dangerously beautiful woman.

  Whilst in the city, all live citizens were successfully rushed into the safety of the main halls. The cavalry has descended upon the remaining demons wreaking havoc where they could.

  LiZhao had also joined the fray of fighting.

  As he pulled his sword out of a demon, it's black blood splattered over his stallion's stomping hooves before crumbling into ash, smelling of rotten meats. Just as he wiped his sword with the tail end of his cloak, he heard the men behind him shout in terror.

  When he turned his head abruptly, he did not expect to see that youth appear before him again of his will. Just as he was about to mock YuLin, he saw that the black beast was growling as acidic drool dripped and sizzled on the ground. 

  LiZhao frowned and looked at YuLin closely, only to realise the youth's over the relaxed body was unnaturally slumped on the beast.

  Sensing LiZhao's careful stare, XiaoQi flexed his shoulder so that YuLin's head rolled to the side, exposing his flushed face and rapid breathing.

  LiZhao frowned before ordering, "fetch him from the beast."

  None of the soldiers moved, instead, they shuffled backwards due to the continued growl of the beast. LiZhao scoffed at their cowardice before swinging off his horse and stalking towards the beast.

  "General! You must not! Black beasts are omen on the battlefield!" A soldier exclaimed.

  LiZhao looked at the man said in a calm, authoritative voice "I don't believe in pointless superstitions. Take that tone with me again and you'll take fifty beatings."

  The soldier that spoke out whimpered and stepped back.

  As LiZhao neared the beast slightly opened its mouth, revealing his fangs in a threatening way.

  LiZhao did not show a hint of fear as he said, "If you have brought your rider back in this condition, it means he needs human help. Hurt me and not another should attempt to help your rider."

  XioaQi roared loudly once, causing many to cover their ears and shriek. After that, however, he lowered his back slightly so LiZhao could access YuLin.

  As LiZhao stood right next to YuLin he slipped his hands under the shoulders of the youth before lifting him only to discover he couldn't lift him more than an inch. He soon saw a slithering motion around YuLin's clothes before a serpentine head poked out and hissed at him. LiZhao smirked, what loyal beasts this boy has.

  LiZhao lifted YuLin up and slung him over his shoulder before striding back to his horse and swiftly mounting it. He turned to the beasts, "You should leave, your kind isn't popular around here. Seek him out when he's cured." He paused for a second before continuing, "kill some demons on your way out, I'm sure you'll find them quite a treat." Then he rode off to the sound of a hissing and an angry roar.

  Pausing in the midst of the soldiers, LiZhao spoke up once more "The cities almost secure, a third of you begin to set up camp just outside the city gates, the rest of you sweep through the city, provide assistance and begin the recruitment procedure." Then he rode off, weaving through building crowded streets.

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