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A/N- yh, chapter 17  took an unexpected turn so I changed the chapter name... this one's the real YuLin's heritage XD...

  Still straddling the general, YuLin slowly regained his senses, his mind. He gulped and ran his tongue over the tastes within his mouth, that musky yet sweet taste. YuLin widened his eyes in realisation at what just happened. He was conscious, but at the same time, it was something else leading his body along.

  YuLin blushed furiously and bit his bottom lip before scuttling backwards on all fours.

  LiZhao let him go, stood up, and stalked out the tent without a word, leaving a flustered YuLin on the floor. 

  YuLin breathed heavily for a few moments before he shot off the ground and jumped on his cot and shouted nonsense into his pillow.

  "What the... HOw! That's the general I just...! What! Oh Lord... am I...?" He continued grumbling until he sensed someone else in the tent. someone not the general. YuLin shot up onto his legs and stared at the intruder before blurting, "You!"

  The Woman with electric blue hair wearing skimpy and tight red garments smiled devilishly. "It's me." She said as she walked closer and leaned on the pole supporting the tent with crossed arms and legs.

  YuLin was on the defensive and on the verge of calling his beasts. Last time he met this woman he was given a sedative!

  The woman, as if sensing his intention sighed and lifted a hand, "No need to summon your beasts... I'm here for your sake. I felt your awakening." She said, as she looked to the slightly ruffled rug on the floor, and sniffed. "Smelt it. quite strong... runs strong in the family."

  "Awakening? Family? what on earth are you talking about?" YuLin said with a slight tilt.

  The woman stared at the youth and her devil like smile disappeared, leaving an almost sad look in her eyes. She stepped forward and stared at YuLin's bare face before muttering, "You look just like them.."

  YuLin stepped back, frowning. All these un-connected words was throwing his mind off balance. "Explain. Now, before I call them." the beasts, he meant, and she knew it.

  The woman stepped back and shrugged before dropping into a cross legged position on the floor. "Might as well get comfortable then. It's quite a story."

  YuLin squinted his eyes suspiciously at the woman before sitting on his cot.

  The woman combed her abnormal her with her fingers and spoke, "Do you remember your mother's name?"

  YuLin was slightly shocked at how the conversation turned to his mother. "FengQianMu."

  She smiled, "Yes, but what about her maiden name?"

  YuLin struggled to answer... he never asked, nor was told, of his mother's maiden name.

  "You're mother's maiden name is XueQianMu. Daughter of the late king's fraternal twin, XueHaiQi, my father."

  YuLin shook his head and stuck a hand out, "Wait wait wait, my mother... king's brother... your father? You're my mother's sister!?"

  "Yes. So I guess I'm your aunt. Ah, before I forget, my name is XueHuangGu. BUt you can call me aunty sweety." She smiled a toothy grin at a gaping YuLin. "Now, before you ask any questions there are some things you must know. First, you are a beast tamer, part demon, but there's another blood that runs through you. Through us. Incubi and succubi blood, in other words, you are also part Incubus. You see, my mother was three-fourths succubus, normally this kind of, I guess you'd call marriage,  wouldn't be allowed within the royals, but father was madly in love with her, and she with him. So since my father and his brother, the late king, were close, and so this marriage was allowed. and from it came me, and your mother." HuangGu looked to YuLin who was also now sat cross-legged across from her, listening with intent. Her heart felt for him as she continued. "Me and your mother... boy were we trouble, caused our father to constantly apologise on our behalf, and our mother a sore throat from all the reprimanding, we'd seduce lackey boys, guardsmen and more, play pranks on the maids and even dare steal deserts from the king's menu. Nevertheless, we were loved dearly, even by a royal uncle, the king. The demon world was a little less... hectic. A rarity. Skirmishes with the humans were less than they were more. One day, your mother and I decided to take a little trip to the human world, to see what they meant when they said to go see a play, to go jewellery shopping or to eat a tang hu lu. So without father's permission, we put on some common looking garb and snuck past the border into Huo province. That's where things became complicated."

  HuangGu took a breath and looked down at her hands, smiling sadly in reminiscence. "That's where we met your father. FengBei. It wasn't just your mother, but I too who fell in love with him. He was so naive and foolish, unbelievably so and so, so kind hearted. He was selling firewood on the streets when we met him..." HuangGu fell silent for a moment before continuing with a time skip. "After certain events, FengBei also fell in love with QianMu. For the first time in her life, QianMu was truely, deeply in love, no succubi power used and so I supported them in secret. When QianMu told FengBei her identity he just waved it away and said he'd love her regardless. And so their visits increased over weeks and months. However, for some reason the human king grew restless on his fat assed throne and began provoking demons, the tension grew taught again as royal uncle had to protect the demon kind. skirmishes grew into fights, fights grew into rebellion, and so things became bloody and the borders became tight with patrol, making it increasingly harder for your mother to cross and meet her lover. Eventually, father found out. he was furious. He trashed his study and in his rage killed a servant and imprisoned QianMu in the royal dungeons. Mother was speechless, she could not speak for her because what she had done, connecting with a human was wrong, against our laws... but she also understood that feeling of yearning, of love. After half a year, one night when I was strolling close to the borders I heard a shout, I went to investigate and found FengBei right there, restrained by demon soldiers beated black and blue, yelling QianMu's name. On the spot I wiped out those soldiers and pushed FengBei back into the humans lands, who knew, he kept coming back..."

  "Please! Where is QianMu! I haven't seen her for months! How is she?"

  "...Our father found out about you're relations. She's in the dungeons. Not allowed to see or be seen or another decade."

  FengBei 's eyes grew wide in terror as he rushed forth and grabbed HuangGu by the shoulders, "That can't be! NO! You need to get her out now! NOW!"

  HuangGu stumbled back in the fierceness of his voice. "You don't understand, once sentenced into the royal prison's, one is not allowed out until their times up."

  "No no no! YOu don't understand... she's... last time she came she was..."

  "And so seeing the state he was in I felt that I had to do something, afterall, I also loved him, as much as I loved my sister, So I went down into the dungeons secretly to to sneak her out. You know why I did that? Because when I arrived in the deepest, darkest dungeon, there she was, sat in the corner with a straight back, eyes glowering in the dark, and hands on a rounded belly."

  YuLin gasped as the story progressed, to think his mother spent most of her pregnancy in the dungeons was... distateful.

  "once I got her out, Your mother, father and I headed to Shui province, where there was a wooden hut in the middle of the forest, far away from both demons and humans, where I thought you'd be safe growing up. I stayed with your mother for the rest of her pregnancy and the birth, I held you once you know... this shriveled up, ugly yet adorable little things that laughed in my face toothlessly. You were a jewel and so loved by QiangMu And Fengbei. I wished I could stay longer but I caught air that things were stirring behind the scenes in the demon realm so I rushed back. That was the last I saw of your parents. And mine. When I reached our residence, blood lay everywhere. Blood and ashes. My parents gone and a new king on the throne. I didn't realize being away for such a short time would cause uproar within the palace. Years later when I managed to gain a sliver of freedom from that brute of a king now, I immediatly went to Shui province, to the hut in the forest, what do I find? more bones and ashes, it tore my heart apart, the man and woman I loved, the last alive were dead. And what of their little YuLin? No where in sight. And so I've been searching and searching. Until just a few months ago, you're foolish face appeared before me."

  YuLin was speechless, there was nothing to say. He didn't need to. His tears spoke for him.


Author tries to Be Coy....

Meanwhile, LiZhao - *stab* "that foolish YuLin!" *stab* "Just you wait and see!" *stab* "You'll regret becoming my person!" *Stab stab Stab*

The poor straw mannequin- plz stop stabbing  uwu ~~~


A/N- woohoo Updates yahhhhhh

Hope ya'll enjoyed this lil back story

I've got plans yahahhahah

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