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  One thing should be known about XueHu. He was unpredictable. You could ask someone to tell you about his personality but they'd be at loss for words. Sometimes the prince was generous and full of smiles, the next he'd be cold and murderous, killing all those within sight. It was safe to say he had issues.

  XueHu glanced at the huge waterfall before him, marking it as the Shui province. As its name suggests, it was full of water. Lakes, rivers, waterfalls. It's what made it a thriving fishing province. XueHu breathed in the air before laughing out loud. "To think someone has gotten father so anxious... What a joy! To order me to kidnap this person... alive even!" XueHu breathed out. "Ah... What would cause him more trouble... killing this boy, or keeping him alive." XueHu's eyes swept around his environment, upon spotting two humans, his lips pulled up into a sinister smile as he disappeared in a flash, crossing into the Shui province.

  LiZhao cracked his eyes open cautiously as a small headache pounded at his temples. He glanced at his surroundings, recognising it as his tent. He blacked out yesterday after talking and drinking a little in front of YuLin... How embarrassing...

  He looked to the small cot in the corner of his tent finding a body curled under the covers. LiZhao unconsciously relaxed. He had thought this crafty youth would definitely sneak away whilst he was unconscious. Turns out he's still here, comfortably snoring.

  LiZhao snorted as he picked up a pillow behind him and threw it in YuLin's direction, landing square on his back, causing YuLin to jerk awake and spring up and mumble nonsense.

  LiZhao's lips tilted upwards slightly for a mere second before it went back to neutral.

  "You dare sleep like a pig whilst I'm drunk?"

  YuLin turned his head to the source of the voice and grunted before replying, "General ah... do you know the troubles I went to bring you back? You're quite heavy you know..." Then he slumped back down to his pillows, hugging the pillow LiZhao tossed in the process.

  A vein popped in LiZhao's head. "Do Your job properly!"

  YuLin groaned and shot out of bed mumbling, "Yes yes yes..." With that YuLin grudgingly got out of bed and mumbled whilst dressing.

  LiZhao's eyes almost hungrily followed YuLin's movements, watching as the youth pulled on his outer robes past his slim figure, tying a neat knot at the waist and not bothering at all with the hair then walking out to fetch the general's breakfast.

  YuLin rubbed his eyes as he stumbled to the food point. As usual, the big cook was there, already familiar with YuLin despite knowing he was part demon.

  "Hey kid, the general's and your portions are just on the side." The cook said as he reached for two trays. Seeing YuLin's delayed reaction he said, "You look more tired than usual today... the general pushing you hard?"

  "Aya... The general overuses me... I run around all over the place for him..." YuLin mumbled as he grabbed for the trays.

  The cook chuckled and returned to stirring the pot. However, before YuLin left he quickly said, "Oh, by the way, there's a young brat looking for you... Think his name was A Li? Anyway, he was rather forceful about asking your whereabouts so keep an eye out for him."

  YuLin woke up a little more as he remembered the kid he dropped off at the city gates. "Oh... must be that kid..." He muttered. Then he smiled at the cook, "Thanks uncle cook!"

  The cook shook his head and sighed watching the retreating back of YuLin, "Ay... such a cheerful kid shouldn't be on the battlefield."

  Once back in the tent, YuLin found the general already fully dressed and sat at the table. YuLin placed the general's food on the table first before setting his food down opposite him.

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