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  This time YuLin woke up wrapped in warmth. He blinked slowly adjusting to the lighter room. Two strong muscled arms were around his torso and a naked body plastered to his back. Just feeling the heat from LiZhao bring YuLin a bout of lust. YuLin swallowed as decontrolled his impulses to jump the general as he turned, with difficulty, to face LiZhao. 

  LiZhao's eyes were already open. They gazed as YuLin turned and made eye contact. LiZhao sighed trough his nose and lowered his head, burying it in YuLin's hair. LiZhao wished this moment could last forever.

  "I wish this moment could last forever." YuLin mumbled as he snuggled closer.

(Author raising a red flag "As if you could get any closer!!!")

  LiZhao hummed in agreement.

  "We should get up.Today is too important to stay in bed all day."

  LiZhao hummed again.

  "General? Are you still drunk?"

  LiZhao sighed and closed his eyes as he absorbed YuLin's closeness. He wanted to embed every detail within himself...just in case...

  Eventually, the two got up and helped dress each other. YuLin helped the general into his shining, polished armour layer by layer and tied his hair into a high pony tail.

  LiZhao put on YuLin new, crispy white robes before latching on several layers of armour, far from as good as the general's, but good enough that an arrow wouldn't generate his chest. Then LiZhao tied YuLin's shorter hair into a tight high bun using a golden pin from his own accessories. 

  The two looked at each other, fully dressed and ready to battle. LiZhao stroked YuLin's cheek before they strode out and gathered the people they needed for a battle meeting.

  Half a shichen later, a handful of people were gathered around he general's desk where a rough map of the terrain sat, the north of the map, a cup full of black stones covered the Map whilst at the west, one third of white stones were scattered. This represented the human and demon army.

  YuLin glanced up at the people surrounding the table with furrowed brows. QianDu, no doubt, he was the general's right hand man, he needed to be here. The book keeper, here to record history. A few soldiers with high rankings that he knew of. But what confused him was the presence of his sisters, Fei, Mei, lan and Cui. YuLin glanced to the general and back.

  Then a slight movement occurred at the tent flaps and before he knew it, YuLin had a small cat sized beast on his shoulder licking his cheek and a snake wrapping and gently squeezing his arm. YuLin exclaimed, "Xiao tian, Xiao Qi!" He stroked each beast tenderly on the head before turning back to the group of people, in his heart missing XiaoQin, the sweet bird who he left behind.

  QianDu spoke first, "General, please tell us your plan."

  And so LZhao did, he explained what HuangGu said about the demon king's position in battle, spoke of tactics and how the soldiers should charge, how the cavalry will lead at the front, and how one firework will bring in more reinforcements. Everyone looked at the small explosive in YuLin's hands. 

  "I'll do it." QianDu said.

  "No. I'm on the front with the cavalry. I need you with the rest of the soldiers." LiZhao said.

  "I'll do it. It would be my honour to serve the general." A bulk man with a buzz cut said.

  "You stand out too much. And you're our master bowman, without you how will the rest of the team work?"

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