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   A Shichen had passed. And all soldiers were ready and suited. The cavalry on the front line were slightly restless, as the first to charge into enemy lines, they knew very well that their chances of surviving was low.

  LiZhao sat tall on his horse, only if you stared at him could you see the slight furrow between his brows as he watched YuLin wipe his face with his sleeve. LiZhao wanted to shrink this person, shrink him down to a size he could tuck into his pocket behind his shield, where nothing dangerous could touch him. LiZhao lowered his lashes as he looked at the one he...loved. "Will you listen to my request."

  YuLin sniffed, bit his lip, before smiling and looking up at the general. YuLin knew very well what the request would be so he answered, "No. I will not stay back and hide... General Li, did you know... a few months ago I was desperate to leave, to avoid this battle... but since then, I've become so terribly attached. I've lost four sisters. I will not loose you."

  LiZhao dropped his head a little in defeat. "Then... remember our promise?...stay alive?"

  YuLin grinned and answered, "I will if you will."

  YuLin then whistled sharply, and suddenly he was out of the generals arms.

  The army gasped, and even LiZhao's eyes widened at the sight besides him. XiaoQi, the cat sized panther, had enlarged to the size of two horses, it's paws were the size of five men's heads, and canines longer that his front arm. A mane seemed to appeared along its back, rippling darkness absorbing all the light around. YuLin stood atop XiaoQi and smiled at the army, before bowing once. Then he turned to the general and squatted down so that his head was slightly above the others. "General ah general, my good general. LiZhao. I Love you with my very soul." Before he leaned forwards and landed his lips on the generals. 

  LiZhao stared wide eyed at YuLins closed lids, before his hands rose and entwined themselves in YuLins shoulder length hair. he tilted his head and licked YuLin's lips, who opened up with a gasp. LiZhao licked and kissed ferociously as if it were his last chance. Passion sparked between the two hot and hard. When they parted, a thin line connected their lips.

  YuLin whose face was flushed and panting, licked his lips. His red eyes flashed to the side. There he saw flabbergasted soldiers staring with jaws on the ground. QianDu stood with arms crossed staring off to the side, with a red face he huffed, "Amateurs." It was. unsure who he aimed that comment at.

  YuLin leaned back and stood straight again before coughing behind his hand. His face flushed and embarrassed. 

  LiZhao threw him a careless smile. Which caused the soldiers to almost die of shock. LiZhao then turned to the soldiers and raised his sword, "To battle!" He shouted.

  The soldiers followed, "TOO BATTLE!" They roared, and began marching.


"My King, the human armies have begun marching."

  A crash sounded as a pot smashed against the small demons body. "Where is she!?" The demon king Xue demanded.

  "Y-You're highness... We have all available guards searching for her... She can't have gotten far bleeding the way she was..." The small demon cowered and answered with a quivering voice.

  King Xue sneered and spat at the demon, "I should've cut off her feet instead of her hands!"

  All the demons cowered as the whips materialised in the king's hand and he slashed it towards the small demon, severing its head.

  Speaking to no one in particular, King Xue said, "Let us advance as well, pass the order to kill That half breed and general on sight. Take no prisoners."

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