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  YuLin sat there, tears streaming silently down his face. There were so many questions in his heart but he couldn't voice them. So he just sat there, staring at HuangGu.

  HuangGu could see the state the youth's mind was in, she sighed and awkwardly reached a hand out, patting the top of YuLin's head. "I know this is a lot to take in. But the truth is what you must hear."

  YuLin sniffed and rubbed his nose before grabbing HuangGu's loose garments and wiping his eyes.

  "Hey hey you brat."

  "Since you're my aunt, you'll lend me your sleeve to wipe my tears won't you?" YuLin said pitifully.

  HuangGu sighed, "Of course of course. Now then, any questions?"

  YuLin thought for a moment before asking, "Their bones and ashes..?"

  "I gathered them and scattered them into the great waterfall of wonders in Shui province."

  YuLin smiled, they would've liked that, surrounded by lively nature... "Did you ever see mother's companion beast again?"

  "The golden phoenix? No, I was just about to ask you the same... Since that's the case it seems to be missing. Can't be dead because it was a companion, not a beast."

  YuLin lowered his head and nodded, a faint smile at his lips knowing at least his parents remains were scattered in a free, open place.

  HuangGu watched YuLin, the handsome face, bright eyes, so much like the two closest to her heart. "Now listen YuLin, I won't be able to come see you often, the bastard king has a tight surveilance on me. I heard from some palace guards that I was... playing with, that the King knows of your existence. And he's sent someone after you. I don't know who but be on you're guard! Promise me!"

  YuLin absorbed this information with wide eyes, "Why would the King want me?"

  "You are male and carry royal blood without being his close relative. Therefore you are a threat to him. I don't know why he wants you alive but it's not for any good reason. Now promise me! Now that I've found you, I don't want to loose you!"

  YuLin noded his head to appease his...aunt. "I promise" He whispered.

  "Good boy," huangGu replied before dropping a soft kiss on his forehead and jumping to her feet. "Now I must go. Remember, always be cautious."

  Just as she turned, YuLin lunged forwards and wrapped his arms around her small waist. "I've only known you as my aunt for a mere hour... but I want you to know that I'm glad... Glad you're alive and helping me... and that you helped my parents."

  HuangGu grinned as her eyes stung a little, "You fool. I'm also glad... that you made it alive... now let go, I really must go."

  YuLin reluctantly let go but spoke once more before HuangGu left the tent, "One more thing... that day, why did you drug me and send me back to the army? What's the purpose of that?"

  HuangGu's smile faltered as she replied in all seriousness, "A war is coming YuLin, a bloody warof more than just two races and you are a vital part of it. To abandon it is to put an end to thousands of lives. I won't stop you again if you decide to run, but think of those you'll leave behind. I believe you now have sisters, friends... and a general in your heart. You are a vital player in this tragic mess... you and that general. I don't know the outcome but hear me now YuLin. This war will wait for no one, know where your purpose lies before it's too late... stay safe."

  And with that, she turned into a puff of smoke and whisped out of the tent into the night.

  YuLin stood there, nibbling on his lower lip. A war he cannot escape... his sole purpose thus far had been to live a carefree life with his beast away from all civilisation... was that too much to ask for? What made him vital in this war? What made the general vital? Did this mean the general risked a higher chance of dying on the battlefield?

  YuLin wiped that thought from his head, for it brought dread and hurt to his heart. YuLin shut his eyes tightly and once more dropped to the ground craddling his head. Why must this all be so complicated? Why must he be a part of something so bad?

  At this point in time, LiZhao was in the sparring fields, relentlessly attacking straw dummies at his mercy. He sweated, panted and fought harder. Anything to even distract his mind a little from all that just happened, to forget that warm mouth around him, that moist tongue teasing him...anything to get rid of the energy that has given him another erection. He slashed and stabbed, turned and swung, and when he heard a slight movement behind him, he turned and directed his sword point to the neck of a young boy.

  A Li immediatly stumbled back with raised hands, "G-General!"

  LiZhao panted for a second before lowering his sword and speaking in a demanding tone, "What are you doing here... you're too young to be in the army."

  A Li lifted his head, "I'm here by choice! You need more men!... And it was that homeless looking man who told me to come here." He mumbled the last part.

  "Homeless?" LiZhao asked with a raised eyebrow, already having a suspicion on who was being talked about.

  "He didn't look much older than me... birds nest of a hair. He saved me from the demon that killed my mother and said by joining the army I'd have shelter and three meals a day."

  LiZhao cracked his nuckles, so this is what YuLin thought the army was for? Food!?

  He breathed in heavily before saying, "You're speaking of YuLin."

  "You know him?" A Li exclaimed with hopeful eyes.


  "General please take me to him, I wish to become his lackey to repay his kindness!"

  But you called him homeless looking just a second ago...LiZhao thought. He looked the kid over, twelve at most, with hair cropped close to the head, stubborn eyes and a straight mouth.  "Very well. Follow me."

  On the border of Feng province, a shadow materialised into a stunningly beautiful human male. "My... travelling through human lands is such an inconvenience!" XueHu uttered, with several speciality confectionaries tucked in his pockets a many hand made gadgets. It seemed that this prince was weak to souvenir buying, for himself that is.

  Wearing a simple black robe he glanced at this new scenery of tall trees and forests before making way forwards. Another day and he'll reach the human camp. "This better be worth my time." He mumbled before dematerialising into smoke again.

  At that exact moment he dissapeared, HuangGu materialised where XueHu was a second ago with shock all over her face, "It can't be... the bastard sent the idiot!?"


Author tries To Be Coy...

QianDu- Where's my screentime gone... uwu...

Soldier from chapter two which I forgot the name of...- The author doesn't even remember me uwu..

Author- Hush my children, you'll come in soon


A/N- this ones short, I know, sorry, but too many ideas flowing through me brain I need to just put a little down before I continued...

  Hope you enjoyed

P.S- Your comments are the fucking best!

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