1 - The Players

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Lana Drake felt the gust of warmth when she walked into the kitchen. She called out. "My duck is impatient!"

"It's coming next. I'll talk to them when I make my rounds." Oliver replied confidently from behind the stainless steel industrial cooktop.

Les Bistros Français was busy for a Tuesday night. Returning to the floor, she scanned her tables quickly. Lana entertained herself by speculating about her customers. There was the duck - an impatient and rude couple. Lana was certain they probably hadn't had sex, at least not with each other, in months. Then again, she hadn't either in a lot longer.

There was a sweet couple from Connecticut who required no speculation because they volunteered the highlights of their life. They came north to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary and had three kids and five grandchildren, the youngest was at Bowdoin. They were also excited about expecting their first great-grandchild in July.

She smiled at the first date which wasn't going well. The guy looked bored and unimpressed, although Lana didn't blame him. The woman was a bitch, and she had been rude. Doesn't she know not the piss off the person bringing her food? The guy was apologetic and hot. He looked at Lana a minute too long, and for an instant, she considered slipping him her number. It would be one way to move on with her sad life, but she wasn't that girl.


I have got to stop working so much, Adam Kaplan said to himself as he nursed a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. He was sitting alone at a bar eating his first real meal of the day. Looking at his watch, he sighed. Ten o'clock and he wanted to be in bed.

I'm starting to feel old. Oh God, I'm gonna die alone.

He thought of his partner and best friend with his wife and new baby. Jack Harris was the only bastard who could come out of a tragedy with just as good of a life, if not better. He hooked two perfect wives and Adam couldn't get a decent date. Money grubbing divorcees didn't count.

His eyes lingered on a table in the corner. There was a group of girls laughing. They were too young for him and the thought alone sent a wave of disappointment through him - when had he become so old that too young was a thing? He recognized one girl from his office building. She could most definitely make him feel young again. She had lips that could make parts of him hum. Too bad he was exhausted and had a client meeting first thing or he would stay and buy her a drink.

Oh shit! Did she just smile?

As he stood to leave, she walked over to him. "I noticed you... watching me. I've seen you around. Call me."

She handed him a piece of paper and went back to her friends giggling. Under a streetlight, he opened it to see her name Amanda and her ten digit number.


Unable to hear Ryan Harris leaned in closer to his date. She smiled as if his proximity meant he would tell her something sweet that women liked to hear. Unfortunately for her, Ryan couldn't imagine saying anything sweet to his companion for the evening. A companion Heidi had coerced him into meeting.

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