29 - There are no secrets here

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The line for coffee was out the door. She squeezed in mumbling she was meeting a friend. She scanned the line for someone she knew and smiled when she saw a familiar back.

"Hey! Can you get me a coffee? I don't have time to wait."

"Yeah, sure." She reached into her pocket. "Put your money away. I've got it."

"Thanks Ryan." She smiled. "So how was your date?"

"Date? I didn't have a date."

"Will told me you and your friend picked up two women last night."

She watched his face as it scowled. "My friend picked up a woman. I think I need to add some extra chlorine if you know what I mean."

She giggled. Ryan was annoyed about sex in the pool. She didn't tell him about Heidi and Cam. "So what happened to the other girl, you didn't?"

"Nah, I wasn't interested. I made them margaritas and you'll be glad to know the bottle is empty. Then she left angry and went back to the corral for another try."

"Are you sick?" Lana teased him.

"Maybe my reputation isn't accurate."

Lana didn't bother to respond because they reached the counter and Ryan ordered two black coffees. She took her coffee and left with a wave.

Jessie called Lana in a panic. She had to leave the cottage she was cleaning to help her out. When she arrived, she found two women in the cottage not in a hurry to leave.

Lana approached one woman who was wearing a tee shirt and not much else. "Your check out time was an hour ago. You need to pack up and go. The new guests will be arriving."

"Give us a break, have you ever been hungover?"

"Yeah, it sucks, but it doesn't change anything."

The other woman asked, "How many of those margarita's did you drink?"

"Who knows."

Lana smiled. "So which one went swimming last night?"

"How do you know about that?"

"The Point is small there are no secrets here."

"Yeah, so you know she got lucky, and I got Mr. 'I'm on a fast from women'."

"I know what she got was mister married with kids."

"What? He told me he was divorced!"

Lana laughed. Ryan had told her that his old friend Doug was coming to visit. She asked about him and Ryan told her he knew he was married with a couple of kids and worked for a bank. She also knew he had a reputation worse than Ryan's back in the day which was apparently accurate.

"Listen ladies, I have been shit on by men, but you can't stay. Jessie, go finish what I started over on Puffin. Now I will help you pack up and you need to be out of here so I can clean this cottage. If you don't get a move on, I'll call your fasting friend to come over and he'll help me pack."

"I never want to see the guy again."

"Then move!"

Lana felt like she needed a drink when they finally left. She wondered if Ryan suddenly found scruples but suspect the woman was too annoying for him. She couldn't wait to tell him about her morning.

The rest of the day went fine. Exhausted, she had a text from Adam. He was just leaving Boston. She was glad because it gave her time for a swim. They were planning to go out because her parents were on vacation for the next week. She was dreading it. There probably wouldn't be an opportunity to be alone.

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