4 - Booty call

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The cottage wasn't different from the one he had spent his summers in, although the kitchen was updated. Looking out the kitchen window, it surprised him to see a swimming pool. Growing up, he didn't know anyone with a pool at The Point. It was above ground with the deck built right up to it, so it almost looked in ground. With Heidi stuck at home, the pool would remain closed for the summer. He felt a little disappointed. Still, contrary to Cam's orders, he hoped he wouldn't still be here when the weather turned warm enough to swim. The whole summer was much too long to be away. He had obligations including board meetings for the foundation. The summer was when they planned the fall fundraiser.

He gravitated to the refrigerator and found it well stocked. Apparently, it was part of opening the house, he mused. Pulling out a Shipyard, he couldn't put off the inevitable and pressed Jack's number. The Point was just too small, and he didn't want word of his arrival to reach his brother or parents through the grapevine or was it the Rick-vine?

Jack answered. "What's wrong?"

Ryan should have been angry, but truthfully, he never called Jack from his own phone or after business hours.

"Nothing, but I thought you might want to know, I drove up. I'm staying at Heidi's cottage."

"That's a surprise! For the weekend?"

"No, definitely longer. I'm playing it by ear."

"Did you run out of women to seduce in Virginia and come to find some in Maine?"

"Jack!" Maddie's voice exclaimed in the background. Ryan listened to muffled voices. "Ryan!"

"Hi, Maddie. I guess you heard."

"I did and I for one am thrilled."

"I didn't come to do the whole baby thing."

She laughed. "I wouldn't expect you to. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Cam usually spends a lot of time here, but Heidi can't leave so they suggested I use the house. It's not a big deal, really."

"I can feed you dinner anytime." There were more muffled voices. "Jack wants me to tell you he runs every day at six-thirty."

"Six-thirty! Is he crazy?"

"No, I did too until I couldn't anymore. Once Rory's school is out for summer, I'll get back into it."

"Tell the big jerk, I'll see him at six-thirty then."

What did he get himself into? He competed with Jack and couldn't turn down the challenge even if it meant getting up with the frigging birds. At least seeing more of his sister-in-law might be nice. How did Jack manage to catch his high school crush?

His phone call to his mother was easy, since she was too excited to ask questions. He would see his parents when they came to Maine for Memorial Day weekend. Ryan was certain her curiosity would peak by then.

With his presence announced, he walked to The Landing for a sandwich - a lobster roll, the specialty. Rick greeted him. "Did you come to see the new baby?"

"Heidi and Cam offered their cottage to me. She's pregnant and needs to stay close to her doctor."

"I heard she was expecting. There's going to be babies everywhere."

Ryan always avoided anyone with kids, but it was becoming difficult. He took his sandwich, and as he was going out, he bumped into a younger Nicole holding hands with a boy.

"Hi, Uncle Ryan. You sure surprised Dad." He looked from her to the boy. "This is Sam. He was at the wedding."

"Sam." He nodded. "Hey kid, your father know you're going around holding hands?"

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