30 - Tell Uncle Ryan all about it

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When Lana stepped out of her bedroom, she was humming. Her mother eyed her suspiciously. "There's coffee. You shouldn't be wasting your money buying it every day."

Not willing to engage, she poured herself a cup and stood with her back against the counter. She had already glanced across the street. Adam had left. It disappointed her they wouldn't go to the beach together like they normally did. She thought about going on her own, but knew she would probably just go for a swim instead. It was easier not dealing with lugging her chair and the sand. When did she stop liking the beach? The answer was when she stopped having a friend to go with. If Bethany texted her and asked her to go, she would in a heartbeat, but oddly she didn't bother sending a text Beth's way.

She had another friend she liked to hang out with, but she had trouble admitting it even to herself. Ryan Harris had become her BFF, and she didn't know what to make of it. How had she come to rely on the moody jerk? Perhaps because more often than not, he took the time to pull the damn stick out of his ass and he was a lot of fun.

"So what's the story with you and that man?" Her mother's voice interrupted her mental planning her day.

"Man?" Why was her mother asking about Ryan?

"Jack's friend who you've been seeing."

She was referring to Adam. "His name is Adam and we're just dating. Don't reserve the hall yet?"

"Hall! Your father and I paid for one big wedding. We won't be doing it again."

Lana couldn't even imagine doing the whole white dress, gift registry and bride's maids thing again. Two of her bridesmaids abandoned her, because they stuck to their boyfriends and Erik. Why did they choose his side? Because they wanted the diamond and the hall, and they wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it. One of the two got her wish and Lana was left off the guest list. You would think she was the one who cheated. Lana wondered if Erik brought the whore with the kid to the wedding.

Her father entered the kitchen and interrupted her thoughts. He greeted her.

"Good morning, Daddy."

Her father glared at her mother and then sighed in her direction. She felt a fist tighten in her belly, because something was going on and she sensed it wasn't good.

When he spoke his tone was harsh. "You need to tell her what you've done."

"What?" Lana heard her own shaky voice.

Her father was beyond patient with her mother's antics, so if he was angry, she must have done something terrible.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry." Her father's sympathy was not a good sign.

"Sorry for what?" Will ambled in half asleep.

Nora Drake sighed with a humph. "I've invited Peggy and Todd to stay."

"You've what?" Lana yelled so loud all of Plover Way could probably hear her.

"They miss our little vacations and it's been over two years. It's time to let bygones be bygones."

"How long are they going to be here?" Lana suddenly felt sick.

"Just until Wednesday."

Will looked at her with his eyes bugging out of his head. "Count me out. I'm talking to Ryan to see if I can stay with him."

Nora began to speak, but her husband stopped her by putting pressure on her shoulder.

Lana said, "I'm not staying here either. I'll crash across the street or next door."

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