53 - Incorrigible

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Ryan looked out the round window at the dark sky and wondered what he did wrong. Christina's phone call surprised him and somehow upset Lana. She told him she was glad they had met, and he agreed he was glad too. She had continued. "Ryan, I've been thinking about some things you said. I don't think it is fair to let events when you were twenty define your life. Call it guilt on my part, but I feel horribly responsible for your decision to be alone. You need to fall in love and build a life and a family. I know Aidan changed your life. He changed mine too." Ryan said, "That's why no one knows me like you do." Then she said, "I just want you to be happy." Instead of arguing with her he already was, he said, "Me too." Then she quickly said goodbye as if she was no longer alone.

Hearing from her was strange, but it was as if she knew what was weighing on his mind. He felt better after he told his mother about her call. He didn't tell her everything. He just whispered she had called and their visit helped them both to heal.

Why was it just as he was moving on, Lana started acting weird? She thought he was talking to Isobel which was ludicrous, but she didn't like his explanation. Even if she heard some of his conversation, he barely said anything at all, except the bit about Christina knowing him. The only thing that made him feel better was he suspected Lana might have been jealous and there was only one reason for her to be jealous. Just the idea made him feel a seed of excitement in his gut.

Whatever was bothering Lana blew over. Things were normal all week. The only thing Ryan worried about was Lana and Allie were becoming friends. Allie confirmed his suspicions when she walked into his office and closed his door. It was almost two weeks since he had been to Maine and the same until the benefit.

"Allie is this important because I don't want to be late for my meeting. I don't need to give Isobel any ammunition."

"I need to talk to you before you see her again."

"Why?" He felt dread over whatever she had to say.

"I don't want her to catch off guard when she mentions you submitted two acts."

"But I didn't." He felt impatient.

"No, you submitted two. Your second act can beat the Broadway tenor, not my words."

Ryan knew only one person who sang well enough to compete. His eyes narrowed. "Did she call you and volunteer?" Allie nodded. "Why is it a secret? Did she think I wouldn't find out?"

"I think she wanted it to be final before you found out. I really thought she would back out. Is she really good?"

Ryan smiled. "Yeah, she really is, but she told me she would never perform again."

"I think she is doing it to show up Isobel. She hates her for what she did to you, which indicates how she feels about you. I for one can't wait to finally meet her."

Ryan was so mixed up and confused. He couldn't believe Lana agreed to sing. He tried calling her, but she didn't answer. She was in her class and she had to work afterward.

Sure enough, Isobel approached him right away. "Ryan who is this second act?"

"My date, she is very talented." He suspected it was his smile more than his words who caused her to walk away in a huff.

Ryan finally reached Lana on Saturday morning. "Are you sure? I didn't pressure you did I?"

"Ryan, you never even asked me. I decided I needed to do this for a lot of reasons and showing up that witch is only one of them. I needed to do it for myself so I can move on. I was hurt, but it happens. You were right he would have done what he did even if I was home sick with laryngitis."

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