41 - No cucumbers

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Everything was back to normal. She swam most days, but it was hard to ignore summer was ticking to an end.

Her mother's daily phone calls had become more and more aggravating. One day she'd be mad Lana let Adam go. Another day she'd harp on Lana about life choices. Then there was Erik who Nora found a reason to mention more often than not. Somehow Nora found out about their midnight stroll on the beach and misinterpreted its meaning.

Erik's interpretation was they were friends, and he began calling almost every day. The only days he spared her were the ones she worked at Les Bistros. Coincidentally, Erik's calls often came after her mother's and Lana found it helpful to vent to him. This was not new, he had listened to her frustrations over her mother throughout their marriage - actually their entire relationship.

"She's so annoying. She never happy with anything I do."

"But are you happy?"

"Are you sure you should be asking me that? Given the fact that I'm divorced before thirty and work as a waitress and clean toilets. No, I'm not happy with my life. Do I have friends and things I enjoy? Yes, I do."

Lana thought of floating in the pool. She needed to replace it when fall came, but with what?

"Am I your friend?"

"No! I don't know... maybe."

"Someday you'll say yes."

She walked out the door. "Doubtful. Listen I've got to go."

She was meeting Ryan who was crossing the street. They had made plans to get ice cream.

"Your mother?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, she called earlier. Erik."

"Really? Do you need a drink instead of ice cream?"

"No, we're in a better place now."

"I was shocked you were talking to him that morning when I saw you."

"Yeah, I know. He calls and I vent about Nora. He always knew how to calm me."

"Lan, I kept my mouth shut before and I know it's your life, but be careful."

"Don't worry. I am."

"So what flavor are you getting?"

"You really need to ask!" She loved anything chocolate.

She was excited about Heidi's arrival and sad at the same time. She spent all of Friday afternoon cleaning Ryan out of the cottage. The beds had fresh sheets. The refrigerator was cleaned and restocked with the list Heidi sent - no cucumbers since Heidi didn't like them. The office was empty because Ryan had taken his laptop and files. It was ready for Cameron's. The only thing that was still the same was her tube was still floating in the pool.

She didn't know where Ryan went but suspected he was at his parent's condo. She had teased him he wouldn't even be on The Point since the Harris' lived on the other side of the causeway.

Meanwhile, her parents were arriving in a few hours for the weekend. It worried Lana, she wouldn't make it through the weekend with her mother. At least she'd see her brother, she missed him.

Will jumped out of the car and started down the street.

Lana yelled after him. "Nice to see you. You better not be going to see Cassie!"

"Nope, the new cottage and then pass on the beach."

She thought about walking to the beach, but Heidi arrived and she went to greet them. Heidi jumped out of the car and gave Lana a hug. When she stepped back, she looked good. Leave it to Heidi to look great a few weeks after having a baby.

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