36 - Interpret that message

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Every morning, Lana's first thought was humiliation. How could it have happened to her again? How could Ryan have let it happen? He knew about Adam and he didn't protect her. How stupid was she that she actually thought he was her friend?

Will was annoying her too. Every day, he pleaded Harris' case for him. The only good thing to came out of it was her brother was no longer hanging out with Cassie. It depressed her what started out as her worst summer ever had turned out to be one of her best. She had a boyfriend and Ryan was a pretty good replacement for Heidi. What a farce!

Heidi wasn't even sympathetic instead she made excuses. "

"What happened to wanting to kill him?" Lana snapped.

"He didn't mean to hurt you. He's really sorry."

"Sorry... Sorry, Lan, I know your husband screwed around on you, but I ignored the fact your boyfriend was doing it too." Lana mimicked what she thought was Ryan's position.

"Ryan's a good guy. He has a good heart and truthfully he's been screwed by women, too."

"He never told me why he was banished, did it involve a woman?" Lana was still curious.

"Come on Lan, if I tell you then he'll be mad at me."

"Well, I am not about to forgive a guy who doesn't even have enough trust to confide in me. I asked him multiple times."

"I don't know what to say except he's a man, but he isn't like Erik or Adam. He really is a good guy."

"Yeah, yeah saint Ryan. I get an earful every day from Will. Listen, Heidi, I have to go. Bye."

She didn't want to listen to her friend singing Ryan's praises. She was mad at him and wasn't ready to consider forgiving him.

Saturday night was hard because it was the first time she missed Adam. She was used to going through the week without him while he screwed the girl. After her busy day, she had nothing to look forward to except avoiding her mother and bed. She didn't want her mother to know what happened. She didn't what to hear her typical, 'I told you so'.

"What you're not going out?" Nora studied her.

"No, not tonight."

"Why? Did he break up with you?" She accused her of ruining the relationship.

"No, as a matter of fact, I decided to stop seeing him. It wasn't going anywhere, and he was old for me."

There she told her and she held her breath and waited for the criticism. "You made the right choice."

"I'm glad you think so because..." Suddenly she felt spiteful. "I could have stayed with him, but it would have just been for his money."

"His money?" A scowl crossed Nora's face.

"Yeah, he's extremely wealthy, but you know money isn't everything." Lane counted in her head - five, four, three, two. She bit back her smirk.

"Are you sure you weren't being a bit hasty?"

"You were glad a minute ago."

"Well, I just want you settled. You know it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor one. You certainly aren't in the position to support yourself."

"I'm getting by."

"But don't you want to be more than just getting by?"

Lana sighed. "I don't need a multi-millionaire for that, besides what I really want to be is happy."

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