33 - Don't think what you did was okay

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Lana tossed her prepared vegetables in the wok for a stir-fry. Adam was leaning against the counter watching her. Her lips were still tingling from the greeting he had given her. She missed him more and more during the week. When summer was over, she'd be able to travel to see him - perhaps midweek? She was beginning to see a future with him.

Cautiously, she had opened herself up to her feelings. Part of her caution was not wanting to mistake what she felt for the man with what she knew a life with him would be like with his wealth. Ryan had told her about the game Jack and Adam had sold and she did a Google search to confirm the financial details. She wanted to love him for him, not for millions of other reasons.

She would finally tell him about her marriage, because she didn't want lies between them. With her and Erik being civil, she needed to be open with Adam. Ryan knew all the details, so Adam should too.

She smiled at Adam and he captured her in his arms as she turned away from the stove. He nuzzled her neck. "We could eat later."

His hand swept down her back and stopped when it cupped her bum as he pulled her against him. Her body came alive wanting him. She giggled. "We can eat fast."

"I like slow and savoring."

His voice alone excited her, but she shook her head. "Let's eat and catch up on our time apart."

She would tell him over dinner and hopefully, he would understand why she hadn't been forthcoming. Once she decided to be honest, she would never be able to relax until she cleared her conscience.

He sighed and teased. "I'll look forward to dessert."

"I know it's torture going a week without sex, but we dated for weeks before we..."

"But now I know what I'm missing." He licked his lip.

"Grab the plates from that cabinet behind you. It's ready."

Lana was dishing out the stir-fry when her phone rang. Glancing, Ryan's name appear. She needed to add his picture.

"Hi Rye, what's up?" When he asked to speak to Adam, she handed her phone over.

Adam didn't look happy with whatever Ryan said and abruptly started for the door just as dinner was ready. A few minutes before he wanted her, but he was leaving.

She couldn't figure out why Ryan was distant on the weekends after being friendly all week. It was as if he didn't like Adam, but it didn't make sense. He had to or he wouldn't let him stay with him.

She followed Adam to the door and watched as he walked away from her. She had a feeling she couldn't identify. Her brain froze as she watched a half-dressed girl run to Adam throwing herself at him. Adam didn't push her away which told her all she needed. The guilty look on Ryan's face as he ran towards her told her he knew.

"Lan, let me explain... please."

He had to know. It made sense now. He hadn't liked her with Adam, because he knew Adam screwed that chick. How could he hurt her when he knew what Erik had done? She really thought they were friends.

"You lying son of a bitch, get out of my sight! I hate you!"

"Come on. This isn't my fault."

"Bull shit! You knew and you were my friend!"

"I am your friend."

"Fuck off!" She slammed the door and sunk to the floor and cried.

How could this be happening again? Five minutes before, she was serving a dinner Adam would rather skip. She thought his impatience was because of their weekly separation, but she knew he probably fucked his whore more recently. Probably every Thursday night when he couldn't talk, because Thursday and Sunday nights, he was always busy. He left her and rushed to the other woman.

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