8 - Guys and Baby

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By the time Adam arrived on The Point it was almost midnight. He avoided traffic by working late. Once or twice on his drive up he thought of Amanda but reminded himself she was a free agent and so was he, according to her. Did he want to hook up over the weekend? The last time he was with Amanda she had been amazing and bold. He was used to clingy women, which she wasn't at all.

How'd I get so lucky?

She was like every guy's wet dream, but it was also her downside. He suspected she'd been with a lot of guys and he felt uncomfortable with how easy she was.

Ryan waited up and greeted him by ribbing him. "You didn't bring your child?"

"She's legal, but no, she's off with friends. We're casual."

He wouldn't admit she was probably hooking up with some other lucky guy.

"So guys weekend?"

"Guys and baby." Adam teased. Looking around, the cottage was comfortable and exactly like he expected given Cam's professional success.

"Oh right! Let's add my parents to make it really fun." Ryan handed Adam a beer. "How was the traffic?"

"Not bad. So what's on tap besides the baby?"

"There's a big party on Sunday. The rest is open."

Adam followed Ryan and sat down on a nautical print sofa. It was comfortable, although not as much as his leather one. The two-hour replay of the ballgame was on. After watching the team leave two on base, he drained his beer. "I should get some shut eye. Jack will probably call me early."

"Yeah, me too."

His phone woke him as it vibrated on the wooden nightstand. It was only eight.

"What?" He barked, knowing it was Jack.

Jack sounded very awake and chipper. "I'm stopping by to take you to breakfast."


"Yes now, I already ran and showered."

"Okay, but I need at least fifteen."

"I'll give you thirty. Shower. I don't need to smell you."

Ryan was not around when he emerged fully showered and dressed. Jack walking toward the door and Adam opened it before he could knock.

They greeted each other. "Hey."

"Ready for the best coffee ever?"

"Yeah, I remember it. Where's your brood?"

"At home with Maddie, you can see her after. I'm hoping her mother has left by then."

"You're hiding from your mother-in-law?" Adam laughed.

"Kinda, she just never stops talking, it drives me crazy. She likes me since I gave her a grandson. You have to see him. He's perfect!"

"I will, but I might not hold him."

The line for coffee was long, but Jack said he expected it. They were almost to the front when he heard a sweet voice.

"Jack, can you get me a large black. I'm too busy to wait, here..."

She handed Jack some crumpled bills, before looking up. She had amazing green eyes which looked almost cat-like. After they had their coffee, she walked away.

"Who was that?"

Jack looked distracted. "Who? Oh, Lana. Nice girl."

"Nice!" Adam smirked.

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