27 - Up a notch

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It was not for lack of trying, but she hadn't learned Ryan's secret. She saw him almost every day. She swam in the afternoon and Will was always hanging out with Ryan. Often he grilled hamburgers for her brother. Occasionally, she cooked for him in return. If it was a nice evening, she would walk down to the beach and watch them throw the football around.

She saw him more than her own boyfriend, still, things with Adam were going great. He came to see her every weekend, and they talked once or twice during the week. He worked long hours and was always busy with work on Thursday nights so he could take the weekend off. It wasn't ideal being in a long distance relationship, but she loved their dates and kisses.

In mid-July, Ryan went back to Virginia for a few days. He asked her to keep an eye on the cottage and the pool. He didn't want the kids in the pool unless either she, Jack or Maddie were present. She thought it was funny because he didn't watch them when he was home, but at least he was nearby for an emergency. It wasn't a big deal to her because she was always swimming herself, but he gave her a gift certificate for a massage at the inn's spa. She hadn't had a massage in years and made an appointment right away.

The spa was posh, and she felt out of place. She tried to act sophisticated like Heidi, who thought nothing of treating herself to a massage or a facial regularly. It was not the life Lana led even when she had a husband with a good job. Wyatt, the masseuse was a tall, lanky man who physically reminded her a bit of Erik. It didn't upset her. In fact, his long fingers felt comforting and familiar. She had already noticed when Adam's hands were on her back or in her hair, they felt different. She had been longing for his hands to roam more than they had and was thinking about her dilemma. She didn't know how to encourage him to take things up a notch.

Her mind relaxed with thoughts of Adam and familiar hands on her body and as Wyatt worked on the tension in her lower back, he began to push her pelvic region into the mattress in a rhythmic pattern.

Completely surprised, she heard her breath catch as waves shot from her core through her body. Trying to hide her heavy breathing and her embarrassment, she had just had an orgasm on the massage table. At that moment, she knew she had to have sex with Adam. She no longer wanted Erik to be her one and only, in fact, she wanted to change it the sooner the better.

Red-faced as she tried to enjoy the rest of her massage, she made plans in her head. Thankfully, her parents had a social function to keep them home. She still had Will, but she could give him a late curfew. He was always complaining he was the first one in every night. She would cook Adam dinner and somehow let him know she wanted more. She was excited and nervous all at once.

Unfortunately, working on Saturday left her exhausted. It was her busiest day. She would grill steaks to serve with a simple salad and fresh bread. To her, it was the perfect summer meal. She took extra long in the shower and rubbed shea butter lotion so her skin would be soft. She imagined Adam's hands everywhere, and the thought made her belly flip. She wore a simple summer dress, but she splurged on a new bra and matching panties. She hadn't worn sexy underthings since she was Erik's wife.

By the time Adam arrived, her belly was churning and her face felt hot. His smile caused a pulse to rush through her body and when he pulled her into his arms, she relaxed into him. As he kissed her, she attempted to send a message by responding passionately. She coaxed him into meeting her tongue. When the kiss intensified, she felt like her insides had turned to liquid. She wanted him and needed him to know it.

When she pressed into him, he wanted her too. Her hand was on his chest. The fabric of his button-down shirt was stiff and well pressed. She imagined he sent them out and requested starch. As she slipped her fingers through the space between the buttons, she felt his warm skin and the hair on his chest. She had seen his bare chest. Although he had more hair than she was used to, it was far from a sweater.

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