2. S H O C K V A L U E

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The words slip out of my tongue before I could stop them

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The words slip out of my tongue before I could stop them. My suitcase falls to the ground which causes me to snap back to reality. "Honey?! Is everything ok?"

"Mom, I'm sorry but I'll have to call you back". Cutting the call without further explanation, I shove my phone into my handbag and immediately shut the door behind me.

I rest my head against the door to process what I saw in there. In big bold letters, the idioms N-A-K-E-D float in front of me . I know I will eventually have to spill the beans someday, but how on earth am I going to explain to mom that I walked in to two people having sex?

Before I could go in there and fire a barrage of insults, the door brashly swings open, divulging a pair of incensed blue eyes with resplendent hints of green, staring right back at me, his rosy kissable lips curling into a bewitching grimace.

Sweet mother of god

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Sweet mother of god.

Paul walker looking like a perilous shot of whiskey is the first thing that bangs into my mind. He is easily over six-feet tall, with solid shoulder blades, my eyes starting to travel down towards his sculpted V-shape abdomen.
I drink in every single detail especially the buttons of his jeans that are undone, looking like he had just put them on.

I am curious to know what it is like to run my fingers through his tousled chestnut hair and feel the contents of his roguish, beautiful chiseled face.

"Haven't you heard of the concept of knocking?"

The deep baritone of his throaty voice commands authority and spells intimidation.
It is the kind no one would ever dream of counterarguing with. "You really are an idiot aren't you?"

"W-what?" I jerk my shoulders, lifting my head to meet his smoldering stare, his patience wearing thin. Shit. How long have I been ogling at him?

"I asked if you were idiotic." He strides forward, bringing with him the invigorating scent of fresh cigarettes and raspberries. His words pour with venom, catching me off guard. The amount of conceit he exudes ignites a special flame within me.

"Babe!" A whiny female voice calls through the ajar door. "What the hell is taking you so long!?"

You've got to be kidding me. Instead of him shooting bullets at me, I should be the one ripping him to shreds. If pretty boy here is looking for a fight thinking he can get away with it, boy is he so wrong. No way in hell am I going to give him the satisfaction of watching me get humiliated from his spiteful mouth.

"Listen up you piece of shit," I make it a point I am of hearing range. "It says right here in this paper that this is my room. I didn't go out on a limb to pay for a stupid threesome. I know for a fact that she's nothing but one of your conquests and I wouldn't hesitate to escalate this to the principal, only to watch you get your sorry ass kicked."

That is the lamest threat I came up with. Report this to the principal? What am I, eight? A tiny leer crosses his lips giving me a look that says, you really think the faculty will give a flying fuck?

"Chace! Stop wasting my fucking time and get back in here!" Nasal girl calls again, stepping outside wearing nothing but a ridiculous G-string. "Who the fuck is she?" the girl asks, her beady hazel eyes becoming catty.

"The real question is how many times are you willing to throw yourself at every guy who only want you for your Bristol's?" We all turn to a pretty raven- haired girl with delicate Asian features, who is equally pissed as I am.

"No wonder you are worth being bragged about, lizzy," the girl taps her head, pretending to think. "No... Tracy ... Is it? Your as dimwitted as Alice who thinks she is in a place called wonderland."

"What?!" I grit my teeth at the sound of Tracy's screech. "But I thought you said you loved me!"

"You know very well I don't do relationships, sugar tits. That doesn't mean I say no to a fucking blowjob." Chace nonchalantly replies showing no signs of remorse. It seems as if this entire thing to him is like taking a casual stroll in Central Park.

I should be feeling bad for Tracy but I can't help but snicker at the sight of shoes being thrown at Chace, catching them swiftly in a single motion. "I hate you!" She yells, sashaying and stomping her foot loudly disappearing into the corridor.

The girl takes a moment to study me, eyes broadening with recognition. She turns to look at an amused Chace, hitting him with her purse. "Were you so busy that you couldn't notify me earlier?" He lets out a low, satirical chuckle, eyebrows furrowing in superciliousness.

"I'm not obligated to lick your foot, Jay. I however did give your homie a big welcome so she didn't feel out of place." He mockingly retorts, going back in to put on a shirt, coming back a few minutes later to help me carry my stuff that I had dropped.

I wasn't expecting Chace to stay and help me unpack my things. Despite already establishing our mutual hatred towards one another, I was too tired to question his integrity. I watch his muscles flex as he is heavily focused in unpacking the last box, giving concentration a good name. This probably won't be the last time I'll be seeing him.

The room looks ten times better after setting up. Beds tucked in neatly, no signs of eight legged hairy creatures or empty pizza boxes, the bathroom and the Kitchen looking aesthetically pleasing. The Dark haired Asian Beauty whose name is Jaden, is a lot kinder than what I had anticipated. I thought she was going to be one of those typical roommates who would have problems with everything. Turns out, she had the same impression of me.

Within a short span we got along really well. "Chace might have a reputation, but honestly he's actually very nice guy if you get to know him better. It may take you sometime to get used to him." Jaden says, fluffing the pillows. "By the way, there's a party that is taking place in one of the houses down the street which isn't so far from here." Her eyes gleam with hope. "You should totally come. Most of my friends don't bite."

Jaden doesn't give me much of an option, which is pretty rare to find in some people.
It isn't one of those take it or leave it situations. "The offer lies open until midnight. I promise you will be in safe hands." She scribbles her number on a piece of paper, placing it on the study table.

"Call me in case you change your mind. What other plans do you have other than slogging in your pj's watching two-broke girls?" Jaden smiles, heading towards the door and closing it behind her. Slogging was a part of my plan, watching two broke girls wasn't. Even though I just got here, I don't feel so tired anymore.

I reach for the handle opening the door.

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