10. T E A R D R O P S & C O N F E S S I O N S

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Once again a big thanks to make_a_wish071  who made these beautiful covers for me ❤️ absolutely love them !!

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Once again a big thanks to make_a_wish071 who made these beautiful covers for me ❤️ absolutely love them !!

Ivy's P.O.V

I would be lying to myself if I believe today is going to be awesome. It was roughly five-thirty in the morning when I concluded, that it was of no use pretending to have had a goodnight's sleep. Cautiously freeing myself from Chace's protective grasp, it's not like I had any other options available at my doorstep.

Waking up next to him, lying next to me felt incredible. He provided me with a sense of mellowness, with his strong arms tightly encompassing my waist and me nuzzling against his chest for more comfort, I hugged him back, mutually returning the gesture.

That night when I woke up screaming, I was afraid to fall back asleep. Because I knew if I shut my eyes, all the memories I had sworn to forget, would come back to haunt me again. It happened against my will.

I wasn't supposed to remember how enthralling Ethan looked, when his fingers moved powerfully while strumming the strings of his Gibson or how engaging and soulful his voice sounded while singing lyrical words of infatuation which no one knew, that were specifically directed towards me.

I wasn't supposed to remember how much I relished messing up his long, lustrous hair, a gorgeous mix of brown and black and how he would jokingly call me 'Woman' in the middle of a silly argument. I wasn't supposed to remember every single detail of the times we spent together, or the time where I came to know the "Love" we supposedly shared was nothing but a cynical, ugly lie.

Chace was there. He gave me reasons to not recollect the remnants of my dreadful past, ever, again. He looked so peaceful as he slept, hugging my pillow, still under the impression that I am still next to him. It would've been easy for him to have gotten up and go back to his bed, once he's made sure that I am ok.

But he stayed. Which is exactly why I got up and left, without saying anything to him. It is wrong of me to feel any sort of attraction towards him especially with "He who must not be named" in the picture.

Hypothetically, it is another way of cheating with someone whom you think you may want to spend the rest of your life with. Imagine if Chace says he feels the same way about me, the way I feel about him, what would his reaction be like if he finds out that I wasn't thinking about him along?

My eyes burn and my head continues to pound as I stuggle to keep them open. I am in Starbucks listening to Warrant's Sometimes She Cries, blasting through my earphones. I wish if I was the only one sitting here alone, so I don't have to bother about shedding a few more tears from last night's episode. It wasn't my intention to start my morning like this.

It hurts deeply. I wish if I had the guts and open my heart to tell Chace about the horrible dream I had last night. Would he be interested to know about what a completely, stupid teenager I had been, who once sucked at making the right decisions? Because he was kind enough to lay by my side does not mean he is going to care.

What if he does want to know and he ends up having a different opinion about me? What if this is just a one time thing? What if he is just a fragment and is here to play a certain character throughout the course of my life?

What if this is another hurtful experience?

It is often said by carrying the weights of the things or the people who had previously hurt us in the past, we are unable to move on and end up blaming the spiritual world for the situations that are sometimes not within our control. Yes, it is easy to forgive but it can never be easy for me to forgive or forget.

I have to figure out a way to avoid seeing Chace, as the door of the coffee house opens, revealing a pair of confused and curious blue-green eyes. Slowly gathering my things, dumping my empty coffee cup into the trash, I sling my bag across my shoulder and break into a sprint, dissimulating the fact that he is here as he starts calling out my name.

He can't see me like this. Why the hell does he matter so much? We aren't even dating!

Its not like you get to hide away from him for ever, My mind obnoxiously retorts. You need to find a job. Its the only alternative I have left to get my mind off him.


Chace's P.O.V

Inhaling the fresh scent of roses, I pull her closer towards me with a sloppy smile spread across my face. This is by far the best sleep I've ever had in years. However, she wasn't there when I woke up this morning, after finding out I was hugging her pillow instead of her.

Hurricane left without saying anything. She could've just woken me up and told me where she was going so I don't have to start worrying about the possibilities of her being kidnapped.

Or is it because she was afraid I would snap at her if she woke me up? Hell, as long as it is her who wants me to be up by five,  I won't have any complains about my sleeping patterns getting screwed. Except I don't really have a pattern as such.

Hold up. Suddenly remembering our last night's conversation "Even If you were a freak, you'd be the kind of freak I would want to hang out with."  Shit. Why the bloody fuck did I say something like that?

No wonder she dumped you, my conscience sarcastically says as I quickly slip on a shirt that I think may not have been washed for almost a week, and jeans that are beginning to fray at the ends. Right now, it  is not the time to be questioning my fashion choices since I have a girl to find and a problem to fix.
I can't comprehend what makes her worth it.

The image of Hurricane giving me that terrified look last night never left my mind. It was the first time I saw her so vulnerable, the fear in those dynamic blue eyes of hers was evident.

Going so far as to memorize her timetable at the back of my hand, I know her first class with Mrs. Johansson does not start until nine-fifteen. Which by the way is fucking boring, I personally don't blame myself or the other students who wish they could shoot themselves during her pointless sessions about the 'need to conserve the freaking environment."

Like anybody will pay attention to that shit. I personally don't blame myself or anyone for that matter who skip classes and celebrate it as a norm. It's official : Mrs. Johansson sucks to the core.

Not being sure enough to know what made me assume Hurricane would be there, stopping at at the entrance of Starbucks, I push the door open and walk towards where she is seated. Her head is hung low, blonde her pulled back into a messy pony tail as a few strands cover her beautiful yet doleful face.

I was about to tap her shoulder and call out her name, when she tilts her head up to meet my gaze. Gathering her things and clumsily dumping them in her bag, she ignores me without giving a glance. Had I not said what I shouldn't have said last night, maybe this wouldn't have happened. And Hurricane wouldn't have reacted the way she did right now.

"Fuck." I mutter, taking off, wisely running after her. This is all my fucking fault.

Hey guys !! Here's another early update as I was motivated and excited to update this chapter !! Your girl legit sat till 1 to finish writing this so please have a sense of gratitude and enjoy as more are yet to come ❤️😍

P.s I'm sorry if this may seem a little depressing, but whatever it is that I have written above are once again based on real life experiences. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me Incase you might be having a bad day or you just want someone to talk to ❤️

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