Chapter 3: She who shall not be named

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Dear Rose,

If you are reading this, then I guess I am not with you anymore. I could not say this to you while I was alive, but now that I am not, it might be easier for me to do so. For years I have hidden this secret from you, fearing that it will cause you harm. But now, you must know it, else you won't be ready for what is to come. You are not what you think you are. You are something way more different than this world.

We belong to the Valerian witch bloodline. We have the ability to do magic and control the forces of nature. We are supernatural beings. I had hidden all of it from you, hoping that you would not have to be a part of our tormented world. But the evil has overtaken us, and now, it is coming for you. You are their ultimate target. They are not humans either, but are way more powerful than us. They were created by one of our own, who betrayed us heartlessly. I cannot accompany you on this journey, but I know someone who can. Your aunt, and my younger sister, Amber. I did not tell you about her because if they came to know about her, they would have slaughtered her just the way they did to our ancestors centuries ago. She lives only four blocks away from our house. I suggest you stay there. She is the only one who can protect you now. She will teach you magic that I could not. Our ancestral grimoire is kept in my locker, the key to which is under this photo frame. I am so sorry for keeping it all from you Rose. You are a wonderful daughter. I hope we will meet again one day, where there will be peace.

Until next life,

Rosalyn's POV

I did not realise that I had tears in my eyes while reading the last line, '...Until next life'. But at the same time, I was stunned. I did not know what to do. I felt angry at my parents, but I also understood their reason for doing what they did.

I am such a burden.

Rubbing off my tears with the back of my hand, I sniffed.

But it made perfect sense too, with all that has been happening for the last two months, after their death. The nightmares, the wind in the hallway, the lockers slamming open, it was no coincidence. It was my magical power. I am the reason that my parents are dead. I feel terrible and sick of myself. But whatever happens, I have to follow my mother's advice. It is the last, and probably, the only thing that she has ever wished me to do. I do not know who my aunt is. Hell! I don't even know whether she knows me or not. But I have to do this.

I have to be a witch, not just for me, but for my parents.

I opened my mother's locker with the key under the photo frame. There was a large old book inside. Its cover was rusty brown in colour with a golden circle and a pentagon embedded into it.

I rubbed the dust off it, revealing some writing in gold which I could not quite understand. It looked as it was an ancient script, probably in Latin. Its pages were yellowish-brown in colour and had a distinct, earthen smell that such old pages usually do. There were strange drawings and symbols drawn on them, a raven, a four leaf clover, a strange looking flower, and many others. I looked at one verse, which had a symbol drawn beside it, resembling a wave. I read out the incantation in the best dialect I could.

"Et spiritum ducitis sectetur."

But nothing happened. Everything was pretty normal. I looked around to see for some change, any change, but there was nothing odd. I felt somewhat disheartened.

Maybe I don't possess any magical powers at all...

I closed the book and put it in my bag and left, glancing one last time at what used to be my parents' room.

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