Chapter 10: A New Beginning

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Rosalyn's POV

"Alright students, as you may know, the Parent Teacher Conference will be held this evening. Students with grades below C- minus are supposed to accompany their parents. Am I clear?" Professor Whittemore asked. The class bobbed their heads in response, just before the bell rang. Bidding us farewell, the teacher departed, followed by the students.

Outside, Kristen and I stood before our lockers, keeping our textbooks inside them, "How's your project coming along?" Kristen asked.

"We haven't started yet," I sighed in despair.

"Is Vincent not cooperating with you?"

"He has been... avoiding me ever since he came here."

"Do you have any idea why?"

I shook my head. "It's tiring to run after him even when I know he clearly doesn't want to work with me."

"You can always switch partners."

"... I guess, but let's just give it some time. If there's no progress on his side, I'll have to stop chasing after him. Anyways, what about Damien and your project?"

"Don't ask. He's in no mood to complete it either."


"Everytime we start working together, Stella calls him up and like the obedient boyfriend that he is, there's no other option for him rather than leaving. And the worst part is that I don't think she wants me to finish it on time. I guess it's about the kiss Damien and I shared the other night."

"Seriously? It wasn't your fault that her game backfired against her," I shrugged.

"That's the point, but you can't convince an already made-up mind."

"Haven't you tried changing partners? As far as I remember, Stella is paired up with Morgan, right?"

"She is, and we did try changing partners. Essentially, it was I who had to ask professor Whittemore for a partner swap like Stella had asked me to."

"Why is she making you do her bidding?"

"She says it would affect her academic standing otherwise."

"That's total bullshit if you ask me."

"I know."

"Rosalyn..." I heard someone call out my name. Turning around, I noticed Vincent approaching me, but this time, not with a scowl on his face, "I uh, I needed to talk to you."

Glancing back at Kristen, I asked, "Do you mind..."

"Oh um, of course not," she shut the door to her locker. "I'll grab a seat for you at the cafeteria."

"Thanks. I'll be there in a bit." Kristen nodded before walking away. Turning back to Vincent, I asked, "What do you need to talk about?"

"It's about last night. I... I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I behaved like a complete jerk. I'm sorry."

Surprised at his... strange gesture, I replied, "Vincent, it's not about what you did last night. It's about why you have been behaving such ruthlessly with me."

"It's just that, I'm not comfortable with being so intimate with someone, even if it's only for a game. I know you're mad at me, but all I want is a second chance- a fresh start. I apologize for the way I have behaved with you all along."

Analyzing his expressions, I noticed the guilt written all over his face. I considered my options for a while, before finally making a decision, "I forgive you, Vincent."

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