Chapter 15: Venomous

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Rosalyn's POV

"How did you know where to find us?" I asked Professor Whittemore as the four of us sat at one of the booths of The Grill.

"I set up a microscopic audio recorder behind your seat when you were here this morning."

I recalled the incident- the way he patted the back of my seat. It was no coincidence, "Why are you involved in all this?"

He let out a sorrowful sigh, "My wife was obsessed with mythical creatures, unlike me, who has been skeptical my whole life."

"Why are describing her in the past tense?" Vincent asked.

"... Because she's dead. Murdered."

A wave of uneasy silence passed over our table, "That's why you hold weekly discussions on Greek Mythology in our class- to commemorate her?"

He nodded.

"I'm sorry that I have to ask this but, how was she killed? Do you know who killed her?"

"Not yet, but I know it was a vampire."

"How are you so sure about that?" Vincent asked.

"Let me start from the beginning..." He leaned onto the table, "My wife and I moved here from Willow Springs three months ago. We had just been married and were excited to start a new life, in a new city. She continued her research here. She said there was something about this place that drew her in, some energy that she couldn'tquite explain. According to her research, every supernatural event leads here, to New Orleans. It's from where everything descended from. She said that she might have found someone who could prove her right."

"Was she a psychic?"

"I... I can't be sure of that." He shrugged.

"I guess it was her curiosity that got the best of her," Kristen said.

"Your guess is as good as mine. One night, when I returned back home after buying some supplies for the kitchen, I--" His voice trembled, but he cleared his throat, trying to maintain a tough exterior, "I found her... lying on the kitchen floor, blood pooling out of her neck."

"Oh God..."

"She was long dead before I found her. When I picked up my phone to dial 911, I caught a glimpse of her broken neck. There were two black holes on her skin from where the blood had been flowing out."

"Vampire fang marks?" I asked.

He nodded, "If I was there earlier, I could have saved her." He broke into tears.

"It wasn't your fault..."

"... I never found out who it was and that's why, I started hunting down these creatures, killing them before they could harm someone like my wife. It's all because of her research that I know what can be used to kill them, and I won't hesitate to use the resources even on the people I care about." His voice had a fire of determination in it, a genuine fierceness.

"I need to tell you this, because if you want to help us, we need to honest with each other." I said hesitantly.

"Go ahead," he sniffed.

"I... I'm a witch."

"I know."

"But doesn't that make me a monster too?"

"Not all monsters do montrous things, and by seeing the way you defended your friends, how you saved Vincent, the world will agree with me that you are not one of those evil things."

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