Chapter 43: Mysteries of the Past

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Rosalyn's POV

Once inside, all I could do was look at Amber with guilt in my eyes. 'It was not meant to be this way,' I thought.

"Amber, I can explain..." I started.

"What is left to be explained Rose?" She said annoyingly.

"Amber they are not bad people! They will never harm me. They are my friends."

"Vampires and witches have stayed enemies for centuries. They can never be our friends!"

"You have to understand! They don't want me to be in any danger--"

"They have already put you in enough danger by killing Sapphire and Jaden! Isn't that enough for you to understand that they are not as they seem? They will lure you with their charms into believing them. I know how you look at Vincent, and I am pretty sure he has successfully established a relationship with you, a relationship where you can trust him. It is only a matter of time before he breaks that trust! They are cold-blooded killers. They will tear our kind to pieces!"

"Vincent is not like that!"

"Oh really?" She scoffed. "What do you even know about him, other than the fact that he is a vampire? Has he ever confided in you? Told you his deepest, darkest secrets? Has he ever protected you in times of your distress, made you feel comf--"

The rage started filling in me. I tried to resist the urge of speaking up to the most I could, but eventually, I could not handle Amber insulting my friends anymore, and it was then that something inside me snapped.

"Vincent saved me from killing myself!" I shouted.

Amber looked momentarily confused. "You... what?"

"The night when I came to know about his true identity, I could not contain my emotions. I went to the Stafford's Bridge... to take my life." Amber gasped, putting her hand to her mouth. "I felt so broken, so depressed. It was like my world had ceased to exist. I did not have any purpose to live. Just before I was about to jump, Vincent saved me. He is the reason why I am standing in front of you. He is not how you think he is..."

Amber was shocked, her mouth agape. Her legs trembled and she landed on the nearby couch, tears running down her cheeks.

"Amber... Why do you have such bitter thoughts for vampires? Have you ever met one?" I placed my hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.

"I... I loved one..."

The news came as a shock to me. 'How could Amber love a vampire, and yet, be so hateful towards them?' I thought.

"Amber, please tell me about it."

She rubbed off her tears and made a stern face. "There is nothing to tell."

"Amber please. Trust me. Since my secret is out, I want yours to be out too. We cannot remain stuck in an endless loop of insecurities."

She stared at the ground for sometime, immersed in great thought, before she finally looked up at me.

"It was the summer of 1999..."


20 years ago

Amber's POV

My friends and I had recently graduated from high school, and it was one such night, when my life would be changed forever...

"Guys, I am getting you some water. I think we have had enough drinks tonight," I said to my friends.

"Okay!" Yvonne, my friend said, still dancing madly to the song that was playing.

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