Chapter 30: Inseparable

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The next Monday...
Rosalyn's POV

"Why isn't Kristen here?" Vincent asked me as we sat next to each other in the bus on our way to the Cross Country Meet.

"She mentioned that all this monster drama has exhausted her way too much and that she needed to relax."

"I get it. The sooner all of this is over, the better." He nodded.

"Couldn't have agreed more." Deviating my gaze to the front of the bus, I noticed coach Shaw arguing with someone over the phone in a low tone, which would've been almost inaudible if we hadn't been sitting nearby.

"... Are you serious? What do you expect us to do-- Hello? Hello?" He hung up the call before facing us, "Listen up everyone, the Cross Country Meet has been cancelled."

A long drawn sigh arose from the crowd. "But why?" Morgan asked.

"The road ahead is flooded. Apparently, a cloud burst here last night, and well... it's pouring everywhere up front."

I looked out of the window, glancing at the gathering clouds as the sun was about to set below the horizon. "But where are we supposed to rest tonight? We're already halfway across the country."

"We'll make arrangements for you to stay the night at a nearby motel. Keep all your necessary stuff ready. We'll be there in an hour."


Almost an hour later...

Climbing down the bus, the thirty six of us gathered around Coach Shaw. "Alright, I'll be handing you the keys to your rooms. You'll be sharing the room in pairs. Agatha and Seline, you're up first." After minutes of grouping, it was my finally turn. "Rose and Stella, you're assigned Room Number 233." Handing me the keys, he proceeded to the next pair as Stella and I walked upto our rooms with our luggage in hands.

Entering our room, I placed my bag on the bed, before turning to Stella, "Which side of the bed will you be taking?"

"Actually--" Her words caught up in her mouth as she deviated her eyes to the door behind me. I followed her gaze, only to find Damien leaning against the doorway. Without a word, he walked into the room before embracing Stella and giving her a light peck on the cheek.

"Oh, hi Rose." He waved his hand at me.

"Hi Damien... Why are you here?"

"I invited him in." Stella replied. "It's only one night, and I want him all to myself."

"So, why couldn't you ask coach Shaw to switch your rooms?"

"Coach Shaw is strictly against students of the different sex from sharing a room. Do you really think he would've approved of something like this?"

She was right. He wouldn't.

"Besides, we'll all be on our way back tomorrow morning. So, can you please give us some space?"

"And where am I supposed to go?"

"Vincent's alone in Room 225. He wouldn't mind you staying over," Damien stated.


"There's no ifs and no buts. Now go!" Stella hustled me outside before shutting the door right in my face, as I was left standing in the corridor all by myself with my bag. Sighing, I made my way to Room 225.

Right when I peeked into the room, I noticed Vincent changing his clothes, his ripped back facing me, the muscles flexing with his arm movements. I ducked back in a corner, confused and... nervous? Weirded out, I knocked on the wooden frame. A second later, he turned to me, hurriedly changing into his casual white tee. "Rose? Wh-- What are you doing here?"

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