Chapter 61: When The Two Worlds Collide

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Rosalyn's POV

"So, if we kill Nathaniel, we die..." Stella said, pacing around the room.

"Yes." Genevieve replied.

"And even if he survives, and if, God forbid, one of us happens to die, then all of us die too?"

"I'm afraid so..."

"This is a nightmare. No, this is worse than a nightmare!" She slumped down on one of the chairs, holding her head in her hands.

"But isn't there a way to reverse such a linkage?" I said.  

"I can't break it. This spell was performed using a high degree of black magic. It feels... lethal, and I can't extract so much power to reverse it. The only way by which you can be unlinked is if the witch who performed the spell dies."

"How do linkage spells even work. Don't they need our DNA or something?"

"They do."

I passed an uneasy look over at the vampires. "The night when we recovered the dagger..."

"We coughed up blood..."

"Damn it!"

I looked back at Genevieve. "This must be the work of the same Salem witch..."

"I swear, if I come to know who they are, I will snap their neck in two!" Stella said, her nostrils flaring.

"Alright guys, if this is how this is, and we have to die at the end of the day, we should make sure that father dies first." Aurora said, a hint of worry in her voice.

"And for that, we need weapons. I'm bringing mine." Kristen said, before hurrying back to her room. In a few minutes, she came back, carrying a large suitcase in her hands, which she settled on the large table at the centre of the room. On opening it, we found a number of fighting tools inside.

"It looks like we're going on a murder campaign or something!" Stella gasped.

"Technically, we are, because I'm pretty sure that Nathaniel will bring his minions along with him." Damien said.

"He never fights head on."

"Talking of a coward like he is, it does seem possible..."

"Anyways, what weapons are we gonna choose?"

Damien dug his hand into the case, grabbing a pair of brass knuckles. "I'd love to break their jaws with this." He flexed his hands after wearing those.

"Daggers for us." Stella grabbed the stakes. "But these are wooden daggers." She said in disappointment.

"These are wooden stakes, soaked with Ivline and then dried. If you bury it in a vampire's heart, they will die and decompose simultaneously." Kristen explained.

"Gross... but cool."

"I'll take this." Vincent hoisted the stun baton in his hand. He switched it in as it gave away brilliant white sparks of electricity.

"And I'll have my crossbow." Kristen grabbed her weapon.

"Genevieve and I have our magic to take care of us."

"And what about us?" A familiar voice said. Turning back, I noticed professor Whittemore and Sydney approaching us from the doorway.


"There's no way you're leaving us behind," Sydney grinned.

"But this is our fight," Damien emphasized.

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