Chapter 22: Room Number 245

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Rosalyn's POV

"Hide," Vincent whispered as we went about crouching behind the bed, except for Kristen. "What are you doing?"

"Someone has to pretend to be Sydney." She climbed onto the bed and pulled the blanket over her head in spite of our opposition.

Right then, a tall and heavily built man entered the room, a rod in his hand. "Sydney Kimberly? You in there, young lady?" He said in a proud and strident voice, the sound of his sturdy boots reverberating throughout the room. He approached the bed but wasn't able to notice us. Kristen clutched the blanket tightly in her hands. "Are you asleep?"

Kristen kept her head still, ignoring his question. "You liar!" He pressed a button as the rod crackled to life with sparks of blue electricity.

"Hostium lancea muro," My spell pinned him against the wall as we emerged from the shadows. Kristen climbed down the bed. "How did you know Sydney isn't here?"

He looked horrified, bewildered, not knowing how to answer. "Speak when you're spoken to!" Damien shouted out.

"She's a... Wendigo, and a Wendigo will do anything in order to get out of its confinement when the full moon is near," I glanced out through the broken glass window, the bright moonlight seeping into the dark room.

"Do you know where she might've gone?"

He shook his head.

"Go." I whispered to my friends.

"What?" They asked.

"Sydney needs to be here. She can't run away, not now that the full moon's tomorrow. She'll be more bloodthirsty than ever. Find her before it's too late."

"She couldn't have gone too far. The Anasazi symbols will hold her back..."

"But what about you?"

"I need to stay here. Someone needs to keep an eye on him." I pointed at the guard. "Moreover, he needs his memories to be erased. He has seen us all."

"Take care, alright?"

"I will. Now go!" Hearing me out, the four of them left the room, weapons in hands. "Exolvo." The officer fell to the ground with a loud thump, trying to grab the stun baton but I stopped him with a wave of my hand. "Lapsus in illo ignaro." He slipped into unconsciousness. Walking upto him, I placed my hands on both sides of his head and closed my eyes, trying to get into his mind.

I focused at a single white bright spot in the middle of my vision, advancing towards it, slowly and gradually, letting the light in. The spot grew in size, brightening my vision, until the entire darkness dissolved into a roaring, blaring void.

Suddenly, I felt disconnected from my surroundings, my body, and even my own mind. Flashes of memory darted past me, with snippets of sound, vision, smell and even taste, as if I was falling through a tunnel of sensory immersion.

It's a mind palace... if the mind palace was like a freaky theme park ride.

The visions were innumerable, piled one on top of the other, like a cluster. I pointed my palm on one vision, as I felt myself drown in another void... and into the Psychological Ward that I was in with my friends. Time seemed to rewind itself, with every event occurring again. I didn't know how to possess it, how to make the vision mine, when suddenly, I remembered the way how I draw my powers from within myself.

I stretched out my palms, feeling my magic swirling in them, black and violet waves of darkness beyond measure. I felt every vein in my body, every cell unknown, every substance in them. The power was insane, ultimate in form and uncountable in nature. I drew the vision in, the memory that should stay unknown at all costs, filling it up with a void of uncertainty. It swirled on my palms, in myself as I scrunched it up in the hollow of my hands, until it was reduced to just a dark breeze, blowing eerily around me, before a storm of bright light engulfed me, drawing me out.

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