Chapter 45: Broken Promises

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Rosalyn's POV

"No!" I rushed onto Kristen's side right after she stabbed herself. She fell on the floor, her eyes shut.

"Kristen open your eyes. Respond to me!" I shook her vigorously, but her body lay perfectly still. I placed my ear to her chest. She was alive. Her heart was still beating.

"Damien! Amber!" I cried out to everyone. A moment later, all of them came rushing tothe kitchen.

"Kristen!" Damien shouted before kneeling down and cradling Kristen's limp body in his arms. "What happened to her?"

"I... I was helping her to cook. When I asked for the kitchen knife, and she did not respond for a long time, I turned back to see her stab herself!"

"Oh god... Kristen." A tear ran down Damien's eye and planted itself on Kristen's cheek. "I don't have any other option." He pulled up his sleeve.

"Are you going to feed her your blood? If she dies after that, she would turn into a vampire!" Stella said.

"It is the only choice I have." He looked down at Kristen's pale, motionless face. "She cannot die. She has to live. For me. For everybody." He brought his lower arm close to his mouth. Baring his fangs, he bit into his tanned flesh drawing out blood. He placed his bloodied hand to her mouth. I could make out the slight movement in Kristen's throat. She was drinking his blood.

"Was she acting strangely before stabbing herself?" Amber said.

"...Yes. Right before doing so, I noticed that her eyes had turned pitch black, like she was possessed or something."

Amber looked as if she was struck with lightning! "Someone get me a bowl. Now!" She ordered. Aurora quickly brought her a silver bowl.

Amber took out her pocket knife from her jeans pocket and made a cut on her left palm, hot blood oozing out from the wound. She squeezed the cut and let the blood drip into the bowl. She then placed the knife on Kristen's palm and made a small cut, drawing out her blood as well, and poured it into the silver bowl. She closed her eyes.

"Spiritus sancti patres, quid magia mendacium, hoc calicem." She waved her hand over the bowl, and soon after, the red liquid in it, turned black!

"Oh no..." Amber said.

"What ha--" Right then, Kristen woke up, gasping for air. A feeling of relief washed over all of us. She looked at her surroundings, clearly surprised to see us standing in front of her, our mouths agape.

"What is wrong?" She asked.

"Kristen y--"

"What do you remember?" Amber said.

She rubbed her head. "Nothing much... I was making myself a salad when Rose came in. She asked if she could help me in any way, and so I asked her to cut the tomatoes... I don't remember anything after that. What happened to me?"

The entire room went silent for a few minutes. "You... fainted." Amber said, breaking the silence.

"I... how?"

Amber shrugged.

Kristen moved her eyes to look at the red stain on her clothes. "Oh my god!" She gasped. "Is that blood?" She lifted her shirt exposing her belly. It was all healed up. Not a scar was to be found.

"It's ketchup." Amber said.

"Oh... alright." She glanced at the kitchen wall. "Crap. My archery classes begin in half an hour. I have to hurry." She got up from the kitchen floor and rushed to the room where I had kept her stuff.

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