Chapter 48: Death Call

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Dedicated to VipulKarelia and esha_writes for being such supportive readers to my book! I love you both so very much!!! Go follow them right now! They are some of the best people in here! Now, back to the story!


Rosalyn's POV

"Are they serious? A duel?" I said, shocked at the information given by Amber.

"It is the only way through which they will agree to give us their blood." She said.

"No. I can't let that happen! I won't put Vincent's life in danger for some stupid Alpha blood."

"It's the only choice we have." Amber pleaded.

"Rose, listen to me." Vincent gave my shoulder a light squeeze. "It is going to be fine. I will fight him and win. I am not letting either of you down."

"Vincent..." My voice cracked as tears threatened to flow out of my eyes. I turned to Amber. "What if we don't need the Alpha's blood to wake Genevieve up? There must be an alternative, right?"

"I don't think so..."

"There must be! There is always a loophole!"

"Rose, hey, hey." Vincent cupped my cheeks and made me look into his electric blue eyes. "I will be fine. You don't have to worry about me."

"How can I not worry about you? You don't even know how strong they can be! A werewolf bite is lethal to vampires!" I shouted.

"I know. But they don't know my strengths either. We can't underestimate our enemies, nor let them underestimate us. I will fight him and win, and we will get out of here, wake Genevieve up and end Nathaniel once and for all. Do you understand?" His blue eyes stared into mine.

I nodded slightly, although it killed me in doing so.

"So, have we come to a conclusion?" Amber said.

"Yes. I agree to the duel."


Vincent spent the next hour preparing for the fight. Flexing his muscles, stretching and doing last minute workouts. After enough exercising, he sat on his chair as I passed him a towel.

"Are you sure about this?" I said.

"Yes." He said, rubbing the sweat from his hair.

"Vincent please. Reconsider this. There is still time left to back out." I said, hoping that he would accept my suggestion.

"No, Rose. I am not backing away now. I would rather live as a lion for one day than spend an eternity living as a sheep. They want to fight, I will show them what fighting means." He said with a determined voice.

"But Vinc--"

"Rose, trust me on this one, alright?"

"Whenever I trust someone, I end up getting heartbroken." I let out a sad chuckle.

"Not this time."

It was then that I heard the loud commotion outside.

"I think it's about time." He whispered.

I nodded silently as tears formed in my eyes. 'This could be the final time we are together.' I thought.

"You know, I could use something for good luck." He smiled coyly.

I knew what he wanted. I leaned onto his chair and touched his lips with mine. I longed for his presence with every bit of my soul. It felt as if we were parting, and that we would meet each other soon, either in life or in death. I never wanted to let go him. Not now. Not ever. I have lost enough in my life and I don't want to lose someone again. Tears rushed down my cheeks as my breathing became ragged.

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