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"Do we follow her?" I asked everyone at the table as we saw Eliana walk away

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"Do we follow her?" I asked everyone at the table as we saw Eliana walk away.

Nobody knew what to do, they just shrugged their shoulders and went back to what they were doing.

"Ugh." I exaggerated before getting up to follow her.

Before I could make it far my body felt weak and I felt an uncomfortable cramping.

This has been happening for the past few weeks so I've kinda gotten used to it.

As I began to walk through the halls to find Eliana I realized I didn't know where her room was but I continued to move forward because I didn't feel like walking back.

"Ashley why aren't you in the lunchroom?" One of the nurses asked me.

"I ate already." I replied.

"No you didn't. Do I have to call home again?" He asked.

I shook my head and he rolled his eyes while grabbing my hand meaning he was about to call my mom.


The nurse sat me down and began to dial my mother's number. Half way through he stopped and posed a question.

"Do you remember the reason why you're here?"

I shook my head. "Yup. Three months ago. I was in the bathroom when...." I started.


I was purging for the second time this week. Usually I would do it once but our family vacation to Mexico was very close ahead and I need to have my body right.

When I was done with that I stood up from the toilet and stared at my body in the mirror. As I slowly examined every flaw I realized that my stomach looked bigger than it was last week. I sunk to the floor and cried for a good half hour. when I stopped I sat in silence before getting up. Bad idea. I started seeing stars and my vision grew blurry and I passed out.

Flashback over...

"Days later I woke up from a coma. I was at another facility but was sent here because I bit a nurse and was doing drugs while being a patient there." I finished.

The nurse leaned back in his seat and sighed.

"why do you do these things to yourself? I could never. I love eating. I mean look at me then look at you! You're so skinny." he rambled fast.

I shrugged my shoulders. "how would your boss feel if I told her you're making kids feel bad about their illnesses?" I asked so that I'll get out of here without my mother having to be called.

The nursed laughed a bit and then put the phone down.

"You know what? I wont call your mom. Just get back to the cafeteria.' He said while patting my back.

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