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Hi Wattpaders!!!

How are you all?.

Everyone please welcome @jazzwomanread to the board, the author of 'married to the devil's son'. Please do check her works:).


Your name and meaning?

Jasmine. It's a white flower

Your penname and why did you choose it as your penname and does it has a meaning?

My penname is Jazzmine and I am really not sure why I chose it. My friends call me Jazzwoman so I just made it to Jazzmine.

Describe yourself in one line?

I am like a turtle, strong on the outside and soft on the inside.

Your religion?


Your nationality?


Date Of Birth?

-Nov, 1996 I am a Scorpio.

Marital status?


Favorite food?

- Anything spicy

Favorite color?

- I don't have one

Favorite place to go?

- Near a lake.


-Reading, writing, movies and dramas.

How did you discover wattpad?

- Don't remember really.

What motivate you to write?

-Reading good books motivates me a lot.

How long have you been on wattpad?

- 3 years.

What inspired you to write?

-Just a combination of good books, movies and dramas.

Have you ever have writer block before if yes how did you fight it?

- I have had so many writers block I can't even count. I just force myself to write anything even if it's bad and eventually ideas pop up.

Have you ever prank someone before?,if yes tell us one.

I am a terrible liar and never succeed to prank someone :(.

Tell us your most embarrassed story.

Telling my teacher that I was sick and a few minutes later texting her accidentally where we should meet before going to a party.

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