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Hi Wattpaders!!!

How are you all?.

Everyone please welcome @ramenlady to the board, the author of 'the dragon king '. Please do check her works:).


Your name and meaning?

My Wattpad username, RamenLady, was created while eating ramen noodles.

Your penname and why did you choose it as your penname and does it has a meaning?

Pen name: Leila Vy, Leila means dark/black hair beauty and VY is initials.

Your nationality?


Favorite food?

French fries

Favorite color?



Writing, gaming, and graphic designing

How did you discover wattpad?

Through another writing platform, Booskie.

What motivate you to write?

It is my escape from reality. I love putting my stories into writing for everyone to visualize.

How long have you been on wattpad?

2 years.

What inspired you to write?

After reading for several years, I decided to try and create my own stories.

Have you ever have writer block before if yes how did you fight it?

All the time, sometimes I take a break and come back to it when I have an idea. There are times where I listen to music, read a book, watch a movie, or even sightseeing.

Why should reader read your book?

Hm…I am not sure about this one. Everyone has free will. If they like, read it but my stories are really based on romance.

What's your ambition?

I have a lot of ambition and goals in life. One easy one is to take a trip out of state and go somewhere far for a few weeks.

What was your first book to read on wattpad.?

First book I read was called, Taking What’s His.

The name of your first book?

Oh gosh, I named it Head over Heels or Heels over Head. Lol.  

What is the first book that made you cry?

I do not remember this one! I don’t think I have ever cried to a book yet!

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