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Hi Wattpaders

Everyone please welcome @Notshort_funsize to the board. Please do check her works.


Your pen name and why did you choose it as your pen name and does it have a meaning?

Quinn - It's relatively close to my legal name. It isn't spelled the same, but it has a similar pronunciation.

Describe yourself in one line?

I love to sleep and eat. 

Your nationality?


Date Of Birth?

September 30

Favorite food?

I enjoy eating sushi, particularly tuna sashimi. 

Favorite color?

My favorite color is rose gold. 

Favorite place to go?

I don't particularly have a favorite place. However, I do enjoy hiking in the forests


I love running and hiking.

How did you discover wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad back in 2015 while I was randomly downloading apps. 

What motivated you to write?

My overactive imagination and potatoes (readers). After I finish writing a chapter, my imagination (nearly) always de-escalate and I can focus more on reality. The likes/comments on different platforms encourage me to continue writing because it's a nice feeling knowing someone appreciates the books I published. 

been on wattpad?

I download Wattpad in 2015, but I didn't actively use my account until late 2017. So, it's been a good two years. 

What inspired you to write?

Music. I love listening to music and whenever a song is played, a type of show flicker inside my mind.

Have you ever have writer block before if yes how did you fight it?

Yes, I had writer's block before. I would stop writing the story and ask myself what went wrong. Generally, it's because the story is cruising towards a direction I don't particularly enjoy. Unfortunately, I would unpublish it and return to it when I'm ready.

What's your ambition?

I love working with children. I hope I can further my career and continue working with them in the future.

What was your first book to read on wattpad?

I don't remember. Maybe, something about werewolves?

The name of your first book?

I don't remember, but I think it have something to do with twin werewolves. I believe it was the Twilight era that made me so fixated on werewolves. It's either that or a royal book about a normal girl and a prince. When I was younger, I was really into fairytales. Guilty. I still am. 

What is the first book that made you cry?

I don't remember which book made me cried because I've been reading books for a really long time. However, the first Wattpad book that made me cried is: Pick the Second Male Lead. Harui30 is amazing. 

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